Numéro de répertoireRéférence bibliographiqueRemarque
1843Coxe, 1969 Bodleian Library. Quarto catalogues. I Greek Manuscripts by H. O. Coxe. Reprinted with corrections form the edition of 1853H.O. COXE, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, t. I, Oxonii 1853 ; t. III, Oxonii 1854 ; réimp. Oxford, 1969
1853aCataldi Palau, 2011 A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts from the Meerman Collection in the Bodleian LibraryA. CATALDI PALAU, A Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts from the Meerman Collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bodleian Library, 2011 : Description des manuscrits Auct. T.1.1-22, T.2.1-17, F. inf. 1.15, et Gr. bibl. d. 1
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