Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

This paper sheds light on one aspect of the large-scale influx of Arabic scientific knowledge into Byzantium through an analysis of three Byzantine astrological compendia that contain texts originally written in Greek as well as those translated from Arabic to Greek. While written c. 1200–1400, each manuscript contains a compilation that was assembled in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The paper first considers the dating of each of the three compilations and shows the utility in using these late Byzantine manuscripts to study Middle Byzantine astrology. Second, it analyzes the Arabic texts translated in these compilations and uses them to explain the chronology and the scale of the translation of astrological material from Arabic to Greek. Third, it considers how the Arabic and Greek material is combined within these manuscripts, and what the resulting synthesis says about Middle Byzantine astrology writ large.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
San Lorenzo de El Escorial Real Biblioteca Mss. Φ. I. 05 (Andrés 183) 205 n. 85
San Lorenzo de El Escorial Real Biblioteca Mss. R. I. 11 (Revilla 011) 205 n. 85
San Lorenzo de El Escorial Real Biblioteca Mss. R. I. 14 (Revilla 014) 205 n. 85
Firenze Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) Plut. 28. 14 204 n. 80, 205 n. 85
Firenze Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) Plut. 28. 16 204 n. 80
Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mss. B 038 sup. (Martini-Bassi 88) 205 n. 85
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. T. 5. 04 (Misc. 266) 210 n. 104
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2425 Sigle P1 passim
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2506 Sigle P2 passim
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Supplément grec 1203-1211 Suppl. gr. 1211 205 n. 85
Roma Biblioteca Angelica gr. 029 204, 205 n. 85, 212 n. 112-113
Sankt-Peterburg Российская Академия Наук. Библиотека (БАН) иностранных рукописей O N° 128 204 n. 80
Torino Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria Mss. C. VII. 10 (Zuretti 28) [ms. détruit] 204 n. 80, 212 n. 113
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 1056 Sigle V passim
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 324 (coll. 0640) 198 n. 51, 204 n. 80, 205 n. 85
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 334 (coll. 0553) 199 n. 55
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 335 (coll. 0645) 190 n. 22, 192, 193, 199 n. 55, 201, 202
Wien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) phil. gr. 108 205 n. 85