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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

In the recent translation of their standard edition by Field (Oxford, 1855), the sixteenth homilies On Philippians ascribed to John Chrysostom (the argumentum being here taken as the first homily of the series) have been considered “the most comprehensive treatment of [this] letter surviving from Christian antiquity”. However, their provenance and chronology, and the homogeneity of the whole series, have been challenged by the translators, thus emphasizing the need of a comprehensive study on their Greek manuscript tradition. As an inquiry is about to be launched by Sources Chrétiennes, this preliminary review aims at setting within the competing recensions of the text the respective manuscript evidence of the previous Greek editions and Latin translations, from the 16th century onward. Both the partial and isolated “editio princeps”, in 1526, by Erasmus (who published the two first homilies, though he did not believe in their authenticity) and the first publication of the series within the whole corpus of Chrysostom’s exegetical homilies on the Pauline Epistles, by Bernardino Donato, in 1529, were still based on a single witness (in the latter case, of the so called “rough recension” of the text). The more ambitious endeavours of Savile (1612), Montfaucon (1734) and especially Field (1855), though based on a partial recensio, have brought to light a much more elaborate recension, which, considered by Nobili and Savile typical of Chrysostom’s rhetorical preaching, has been mainly discarded since Field as a later attempt to remake an early "rough recension", more likely to be genuine. Pierre Augustin (IRHT, Paris, France)
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Berlin Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) Hamilton 355 (404) 60 (n. 16)
Berlin Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) Phillipps 1472 (068) 60 (n. 16)
Cesena Biblioteca Malatestiana (BC) Mss. plut. D. XXVIII. 2 (36) 62 (n. 22)
Cesena Biblioteca Malatestiana (BC) Mss. plut. D. XXVIII. 3 (37) 62 (n. 22)
Firenze Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) Plut. 08. 11 60 (n. 16)
Hagion Oros Μονή Βατοπεδίου Mss. 0327 Annexe I, n° 18 71, 76
Hagion Oros Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου Mss. 110 (Lambros 3183) Annexe I, n° 22 76
London British Library (BL) Burney 048 Sigle C de F. Field (1855) ; Annexe I, n° 16 ; Annexe II, n° 10 72-73 (et n. 61), 75, 79
Mainz Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek Mss. II 114 Annexe I, n° 17a 57 (et n. 11), 59-60 (et n. 15), 76
Meteōra Μονή Μεταμορφώσεως Mss. 564 Annexe I, n° 10 75
Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mss. P 096 sup. (Martini-Bassi 634) Voir Annexe I, n° 8 68 (n. 43), 75
Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mss. Q 096 sup. (Martini-Bassi 695) Annexe I, n° 21 76
Moskva Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) Син. гр. 105 (Vlad. 106) Sigle F de F. Field (1855) ; Annexe I, n° 2 ; Annexe II, n° 10 72, 75, 79
Moskva Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) Син. гр. 107 (Vlad. 105) Sigle G de F. Field (1855) ; voir Annexe I, n° 9 ; Annexe II, n° 10 72-73 (et n. 61), 75, 79
Oslo Schøyen Collection Mss. 1571.01 56 (n. 3)
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. E. 1. 13 (Misc. 027) 59
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. E. 3. 06 (Misc. 051.6) Voir Annexe I, n° 19 68 (n. 40), 76
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. E. 3. 07 (Misc. 051.7) Voir Annexe I, n° 8 ; Annexe II, n° 8 68 (n. 43), 75, 79
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. E. 3. 08 (Misc. 051.8) Voir Annexe I, n° 20 68 (n. 42), 76
Oxford Bodleian Library Auct. T. 3. 15 (Misc. 232) Voir Annexe II, n° 10 79
Oxford Bodleian Library Gr. theol. b. 3-7 Cod. b3, voir Annexe I, n° 19 ; Cod. b4, voir Annexe I, nn° 2-3, 9, 16 ; cod. b6, voir Annexe I, nn° 9, 16 ; cod. b7, voir Annexe I, nn° 7-8 75
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Coislin 075 Annexe I, n° 3 ; Annexe II, n° 9 70, 72 (et n. 61), 75, 79
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Coislin 204 Voir ; Annexe II, n° 10 73, 79
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 0744 71 (n. 53)
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 0745A Annexe I, n° 17 75
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 0753 Voir ; Annexe II, n° 9 71 (et n. 54), 79
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 1017 Voir ; Annexe II, nn° 9-10 71 (et nn. 52-53), 79
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Supplément grec 0280-283 Parisinus Suppl. gr. 282, ff. 259-267v = transcription du Coislinianus 75 par Dom Paul Susleaue 70 (et n. 50), 75
Patmos Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου Mss. 0142 Annexe I, n° 11 75
Patmos Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου Mss. 0143 Annexe I, n° 4 75
Roma Biblioteca Angelica gr. 120 62 (n. 23)
Sīnāʾ Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης gr. 0373 Annexe I, n° 12 75
Sīnāʾ Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης gr. 0374 Annexe I, n° 13 75
Torino Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria Mss. C. I. 01 (Pasini 017) Annexe I, n° 5 75
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Chig. R. VIII. 054 (gr. 45) 62 (n. 22)
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 0551 Voir ; Annexe II, n° 8 66 (et n. 35), 68 (et n. 43), 69, 75, 78, 79
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 1654 Annexe I, n° 6 74, 75
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 2055 Annexe I, n° 14 75
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 2123 Annexe I, n° 14 75
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 100 (coll. 0375) Annexe I, n° 7 60 (et n. 16), 75
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 101 (coll. 0428) Annexe I, n° 15 75
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 103 (coll. 0571) Annexe I, n° 19 ; Annexe II, n° 3 63 (et n. 25), 69, 72, 74, 76, 77
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. II. 019 (coll. 0969) 60 (n. 16)
Wien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) theol. gr. 111 Sigle E de F. Field (1855) ; Annexe I, n° 20 ; Annexe II, n° 10 68 (et n. 41), 72, 76, 79
Istanbul Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη Θεολογικής Σχολής Fonds non catalogué 27 Annexe I, n° 1 75