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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Recension par Ivan P. Petrov in: Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik, 67, 2 (2022), p. 424-427 : DOI : [p. 424] « (…) Among the papers dedicated to Slavonic translations, two groups may be distinguished. The first one, consisting of six articles, focuses on particular texts and their reception among the Slavs. In some cases, the papers are provided with an appendix in which an edition of the respective text is presented. (…) I will start with the first group. It begins with a contribution by Aneta Dimitrova, who focuses on the Old Church Slavonic translation of the Homily on Repentance, Continence, and Virginity (CPG 7555) and its Greek sources. The Greek text is a popular monastic reading, supposedly from around the year 500 with disputed authorship (mostly John Chrysostom or John the Faster are proposed). In her paper, Dimitrova discusses the issues in the Greek tradition and those connected with the Slavonic translation, which was accomplished probably in the 10th century as part of the Zlatostruj project. Dimitrova’s most important conclusion is that the better understanding of the Slavonic translation preserved in the homiliaries stems from the Zlatostruj. The homily was probably translated simultaneously with Chrysostom’s In Epistulam primam ad Corinthios. Even though this paper cannot address all the difficult moments of the complicated history of the homily, it is a valuable first step towards a (future) bilingual edition in which the analysis could be more extensive. (…) »
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Athēna Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) Mss. 0211 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle A (Dimitrova) 9 (et n. 11) et passim
London British Library (BL) Add. 19703 Sigle B (Dimitrova) 9 (et n. 12) et passim
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Coislin 077 Sigle P (Dimitrova) 9 (et n. 13) et passim
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 0788 7 (n. 5), 9 (n. 15)
Roma Biblioteca Angelica gr. 125 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle R (Dimitrova) 9 (et n. 14) et passim