Textes et manuscrits grecs
Cote | Type de relation | Type | Commentaire |
United States of America, New Haven (CT), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, MS, 1105 | est la nouvelle cote du manuscrit | Ancienne | 1 folio du Phillipps 4135 est aujourd'hui New Have, Beinecke, MS. 1105 |
Italia, Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM), lat., XIV. 342 (coll. 374776) | est la nouvelle cote du manuscrit | Ancienne |
Répertoire | Titre | Commentaires | Tome | Pages |
Touwaide, 2009, Byzantine Medical Manuscripts. Towards a new catalogue with a specimen for an annotade checklist of manuscripts based on an index of Diels' catalogue | 512 (n. 456) | |||
0780q | , The Inventory of H. P. Kraus, property of Sotheby's. Auction, New York, Thursday and Friday, December 4 and 5, 2003 | 166-167, 454 (nos. 225, 562) |
Numéro | Titre | Folios | Siècle | Date | Support Principal | Remarque | Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres | Révision |
0 |