Alexakis and Wessel, 2011, The Greek Life of St. Leo bishop of Catania (BHG 981b) |
Bernardi and Baldi, 2019, Le steatiti del Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna: nuovi studi |
I |
92 (et n. 24) |
Boeck, 2015, Imagining the Byzantine Past. The Perception of History in the Illustrated Manuscripts of Skylitzes and Manasses |
150 (+ n. 33) - 151 (fig.5.1) ; 152 |
Canart, 2011, La Bible du Patrice Léon. Codex Reginensis Graecus 1. Commentaire codicologique, paléographique, philologique et artistique |
Cassin, 2020, Notes de possession du monastère de la Sainte-Trinité de Chalki: un monastère patriarcal? |
30, 40 |
Chryssostalis, 2012, Recherches sur la tradition manuscrite du Contra Eusebium de Nicéphore de Constantinople |
Chryssostalis, 2015, Le "Psautier Chludov", le "Barlaam de Paris" et la Bibliothèque de la Sainte-Trinité de Chalki |
Crostini Lappin, 2010, Monastic Preaching and Animal Moralizations : the Physiologos in the Eleventh Century between Stoudios and Montecassino |
157 |
D'Amelia, 2020, Il canone koinos di Giuseppe l’Innografo per il primo sabato del «Nuovo Ottoeco» (= can. I.f) |
16-17 (et n. 26) |
Dobrynina, 2010, New findings on the Khludov Psalter revealed during restoration |
passim et fig. 1-5, 8-12, 13b-23 |
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Dobrynina, 2021, On the dating of Codex H (Epistles of the Apostle Paul) |
141 |
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Fourlas, 2021-09-01, Image and Chalcedonian Eucharistic doctrine: a re-evaluation of the Riha paten, its decoration and its historical context |
Avec illustration |
1146-1147 |
Gasbarri, 2012, Immagini eloquenti. Nuove osservazioni sul codice Athen. gr. 211 con le Omelie di Giovanni Crisostomo |
306, n. 27 |
Gasbarri, 2023, Cristo contro gli idoli Note critiche sul rapporto tra iconografia evangelica e idolatria nell’arte bizantina |
35-42, fig. 5 |
Kominko, 2013, The World of Kosmas. Illustrated Byzantine Codices of the Christian Topography |
Krause, 2022, Divine Inspiration in Byzantium: Notions of Authenticity in Art and Theology |
167 n. 84 |
Linardou, 2011, 9. Depicting the Salvation: Typological Images of Mary in the Kokkinobaphos Manuscripts |
141 (n. 41) |
Maayan-Fanar and Tepper, 2022-09-01, The Baptistery in the North Church of Shivta: structure, ritual, art |
945 |
Mavroudi, 2008, Arabic words in Greek letters: the Violet fragment and more |
328 n. 19 |
Mikhail, 2015, The Presanctified Liturgy of the Apostle Mark in Sinai Ar. 237 (13th c.): Text and Commentary |
189 |
Parenti, 2022, The beginning of the Hagiopolite liturgy in Constantinople: New narrative or historical novel? About an article by Stig R. Frøyshov |
412 |
Paribeni, 2010, L'immagine dell'eretico nell'arte mediobizantina |
106-113, fig. 1, 6-8, 10 |
Peers, 2000, Peter, Iconoclams and the Use of Nature in the Smyrna Physiologus (Evangelical School, B. 8) |
268 |
Prolović, 2021, Der Codex theol. gr. 240 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien und seine künstlerische Ausstattung |
369 |
Torno Ginnasi, 2016, La <i>Toupha</i> e il cavallo. Aspetti storico-artistici del perduto "medaglione" di Giustiniano I |
Sub "Gr. 129 D" |
13 (+ pl. 6), 39 n. 116 |
0049f |
Parpulov, 2014, Toward a History of Byzantine Psalters ca. 850-1350 AD |
86-93 |