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The article presents a critical edition, with a translation and an introduction, of the “refutation” of chapters 14–16 of Book III of Ptolemy’s Harmonica, which were not handed down in the manuscript tradition. Chapters 14 and 15 were added in Byzantine times, the origin of chapter 16 is uncertain. The “refutation” was authored by the 14th-century scholar and polemicist Barlaam of Seminara, one of the two leading characters in the Palamite and hesychast controversies. In this way, the last item of Barlaam’s scientific writings can now be read in a critical edition. The present edition explains in detail the background of Barlaam’s work, describes all of its manuscript witnesses, and reconstructs a stemma codicum.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Leiden Universitaire Bibliotheken BPG 016D Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle L1 8-9
Leiden Universitaire Bibliotheken Periz. Q° 022 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle L2 9
Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mss. E 076 sup. (Martini-Bassi 292) Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle A 9-10
Milano Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mss. R 117 sup. (Martini-Bassi 724) Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle L 10
Moskva Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) Син. гр. 315 (Vlad. 441) Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle m 11
Napoli Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III Mss. III C 03 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle N 11-12
Oxford Bodleian Library Savile 01 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle O1 12-13
Oxford New College Mss. 299 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle O2 13
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2381 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle P1 14-15
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2397 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle P4 16
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Urb. gr. 077 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle V1 16-17
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 0187 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle V 17-18
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 0188 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle V2 18
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 0196 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle V3 18
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Vat. gr. 1756 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle v 18-19
Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) gr. Z. 332 (coll. 0643) Éditions utilisant le manuscrit Sigle M 19


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Barlaam Calaber de Seminaria, Refutatio In capp. addita Ptolemaei Harm. Éditions