United States of America |
Ann Arbor (MI) |
University of Michigan Library |
MS |
021 |
072v |
? |
Anscheinend eine später hinzugefügte Notiz in schwarzer Tinte, von der nur noch Spuren zu erkennen sind. |
Hellas |
Athēna |
Μουσείο Μπενάκη |
Μπ. |
047 |
018 |
11- |
Hellas |
Athēna |
Μουσείο Μπενάκη |
Μπ. |
047 |
155 marg. inf. |
11- |
Suisse |
Basel |
Universitätsbibliothek |
Mss. |
A. N. III. 12 |
248v |
12-16 ? |
- Non legi;
- f. originariamente uacuum. |
Magyarország |
Budapest |
Eötvös Loránd Tudomány Egyetem Könyvtára |
Mss. |
001 (Graec. 1) |
365v |
16-19 ? |
Vaticano |
Città del Vaticano |
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) |
Vat. gr. |
1254 |
127v |
Vaticano |
Città del Vaticano |
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) |
Vat. gr. |
1254 |
268v |
Le reste de la page contient des essais de plume. |
Italia |
Firenze |
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) |
Plut. |
06. 18 |
016v marg. inf. |
11 (?) |
- F. 16v: originariamente in bianco. Cf. infra 2.S.
- F. 17r: vacuum. |
- Textus
- Δημοσθενης ... .... ... φιλοσοφος ... ... ... ρητορ.
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Βατοπεδίου |
Mss. |
0851 |
004 |
16 |
F. 4v uacuum |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Βατοπεδίου |
Mss. |
1219 |
044v a |
09 |
Textus scriptura maiuscula exaratus, non legitur. |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Γρηγορίου |
Mss. |
003 (Lambros 550) |
087v |
12 |
1112.06 |
Septem lineae cuiusdam textus erasae uidentur |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Γρηγορίου |
Mss. |
003 (Lambros 550) |
184 |
12 |
1112.06 |
Plurimae lineae cuiusdam textus erasae uidentur |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Ιβήρων |
Mss. |
0068 (Lambros 4188) |
237v |
12- |
Non legitur.
Sequitur imagiuncula quaedam. |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Φιλοθέου |
Mss. |
051 (Lambros 1814) |
122v |
? |
Hellas |
Hagion Oros |
Μονή Φιλοθέου |
Mss. |
051 (Lambros 1814) |
174v |
? |
Paene discernitur. |
** |
Jerusalem |
Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη |
Αγίου Σάββα |
606 |
128v |
? |
** |
Jerusalem |
Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη |
Παναγίου Τάφου |
048 |
006v |
11- |
- Male legitur ob atramenti decolorationem.
- Transparet etiam scriptura f. 6r. |
** |
Jerusalem |
Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη |
Τιμίου Σταυρού |
045 |
103v |
16- |
Deutschland |
München |
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) |
Cod.graec. |
594 |
301 |
10 ex. |
Même main que celle de l'annotatio copistae qui précède immédiatement? |
- Textus
- Ἀνεκαινισθη […]
Deutschland |
Münster (Westphalia) |
Bibelmuseum |
Mss. |
06 |
001 marg. inf. |
Deutschland |
Münster (Westphalia) |
Bibelmuseum |
Mss. |
06 |
008v |
12- |
Deutschland |
Münster (Westphalia) |
Bibelmuseum |
Mss. |
06 |
152 |
13- |
f. 152v vide, sauf une petite croix simple. |
United States of America |
Orlando (FL) |
The Holy Land Experience, The Scriptorium |
Mss. |
Van Kampen 0902 |
271v b-271v |
12 |
1107 |
Tracce di scrittura, testo solo parzialmente leggibile. |
France |
Paris |
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) |
Coislin |
205 |
233 marg. dextr. |
? |
Hard to read (nearly invisible). |
France |
Paris |
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) |
Grec |
0237 |
0bis |
16 ? |
f. 0bis v vide, sauf trois lettres rayées |
France |
Paris |
Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) |
Grec |
0314 |
180 marg. inf. |
09-10 |
España |
San Lorenzo de El Escorial |
Real Biblioteca |
Mss. |
y. III. 06 (Andrés 329) |
007v |
13 |
- Owing to this text's placement and what remains legible from the text, it appears to be a biblical paratext although further identification is not possible at this point. |
Miṣr |
Sīnāʾ |
Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης |
gr. |
0187 |
261v |
- |
f. 262r: uacuum. |
Italia |
Venezia |
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) |
gr. |
I. 008 (coll. 1397) |
390v |
? |
United States of America |
Washington (DC) |
Museum of the Bible |
Mss. |
MOTB.MS.000149.1-.86 |
07-09? |