Textes et manuscrits grecs
Type | Contenu | Remarque |
Titulus initialis | Τοῦ κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγελίου τὰ κεφάλαια. | |
Incipit | αʹ Περὶ τῶν μάγων | |
Desinit | ξηʹ περὶ τῆς αἰτήσεως τοῦ κυριακοῦ σώματος. |
Pays | Ville | Dépôt | Fonds | Cote | Folios | Recension ou partie |
Auteur (Rôle) | BHG | Date lit. | Siècle | Date | Commentaire | Contenu | Rev. | Biblio. |
Hellas | Almuros | Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο | Mss. | 02 | 061-62v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Ann Arbor (MI) | University of Michigan Library | MS | 022 | 005v-6v | 11 |
Hellas | Athēna | Ακαδημία Αθηνών, Βιβλιοθήκη Ιωάννης Συκουτρής | Βιβλιοθήκης Ξ. Σιδερίδου | 01 | 007-8v | 12-14 ? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βιβλιοθήκη της Βουλής | Mss. | 002 | 007-8v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο (BXM) | Mss. | ΒΧΜ 01612 (ΒΜ 2779, cat. Pallas 155) | 008v-9v | 13 | 1292.05 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο (BXM) | Mss. | ΒΧΜ 19561 (ΚΠρ 0227, ΒΜ 205) | 003-4 | 12 | 1154 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη | Mss. | 001.5 | 008-8v | 13 | 1226.05.01 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - F. 9r uacuum. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0056 | 003 | 10 med. | - Des. = ed. - F. 3v-4r uacua |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0057 | 012v-14v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0074 | 003 a-va | 11 (1/2) |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0076 | 014v-16v | 11 med. | |||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0077 | 005 | 13-16 ? | Inc. mut. |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0080 | 001v, 006-6v | 13 ex. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0107 | 005-5v | 13 | - Inc. ut ed. - Des. mut. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0113 | 002v-4v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0118 | 230 a-vb | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - the capitula are in two columns. - these capitula were displaced from their original position in a subsequent rebinding. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0121 | p. 002-4a | 11 | inc. et des. ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0152 | 007v-8 | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - il manque le chapitre 47 : περι της ξηρανθεισης συκης | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0158 | p. 005-7 | 12 | Atramento alio, fortasse rubro textus exaratus. |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 044 | 010v | 10-11 | Des. mut. |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 046 | 029-30v | 14 med. | Inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 070 | 001 a-vb | 13 (2/2) |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Τ. Α. | 320 | 013-14 | 13 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Πανεπιστήμιο Σπουδαστήριο Βυζαντινής και Νεοελληνικής Φιλολογίας | Mss. | 02 | 009-10v | 13 (3/4)-14 (1/4) | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
New Zealand | Auckland | Central City Library | Sir George Grey Special Collections | Med. MS. G. 124 | 003-4 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Austin (TX) | University Library, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection | Mss. | HRC 24 | 007-8 | 12-13 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 522 | 010-11 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 529 | 007v-8v | 11 med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 532 | 014 b-15 | 11 ex | Standard. | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 2 | 001-5v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 3 | 001-5v | 1 | Pour des tests PTB/StruViMan (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 4 | 001-5v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 5 | 001-5v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 6 | 001-5v | 02 | Test PTB (19.06) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 7 | 001-5v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1907) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 8 | 001-5v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1907) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Universitätsbibliothek | Mss. | A. N. III. 12 | 001-2v | 09 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) | Graec. | 4°.39 (341) | 029-30v | 11-12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) | Graec. | 8°.12 (388) | IIr-v | 11-12 | - inc. mut. - cap. κδʹ-ξηʹ, cf. Studemund-Cohn-de Boor 1890/1897, p. 225 |
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) | Hamilton | 246 (400) | 003r-v | 09 | inc. et des. = ed. (Kap. 1-38 recto, 39-68 verso) | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Birmingham | University of Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library | Peckover | gr. 07 | 004-6 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 6r quart. 4 des. : textus erasus | ||||||||
Italia | Brescia | Biblioteca Queriniana | Mss. | A. VI. 26 | 0IV-IVv | 10 med. | - des. = ed. - f. V-XI: cf. UniProd 2.S. |
România | București | Biblioteca Academiei Române (BAR) | Ms. grec | 0665 (Litzica 312) | 001-1v | 12 | Aliquot capitula in duabus columnis posita. |
România | București | Biblioteca Academiei Române (BAR) | Ms. grec | 1175 | 007v-8v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
România | București | Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României | Mss. | 01 | 006-7v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Magyarország | Budapest | Eötvös Loránd Tudomány Egyetem Könyvtára | Mss. | 001 (Graec. 1) | 001-2v | 10 ex.-11 |
United Kingdom | Cambridge | Fitzwilliam Museum | Mss. | MS 87-1972 (567-568) | 001v-2 | 10 | inc. = ed. |
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | Add. | 6677 | 004v-5v | 10 ex.-11 (1/2) | - Inc. et des. ut ed. - Emendationes cf. UniProd 5.Q. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | fonds ancien | Nn. II. 36 (2598) | 008v-9v | 12 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Chicago (IL) | University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library | Mss. | 0129 | 002-3 | 12 | 1133 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 319 | 005v-6v | 11 | 1039.10 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 352 | 001 a-vb | 10 (2/2)-11 (1/4) | - Das Folio ist beschädigt. - Möglicherweise fehlt ein weiteres, welches die übrigen Capitula enthielt. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 482 | 007 b-8b | 12 in. | 1121 ? | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 520 | 0002v a-vb | 12 (2/2) | Das Folio enthält außerdem noch eine Kritzelei, die wie eine Schreibübung der Zahlen erscheint. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 541 | 006-6va | 13 | 1291-1292 | Inc. et des. ut ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Pal. gr. | 189 | 000III-IVv | 11 ex.-12 in. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Urb. gr. | 002 | 012-13v | 12 | 1122-1142 |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. copt. | 009 | 016-19 | 13 | 1270 | Capitula-Liste ist Übersetzung des gr. Textes bei von Soden, 407–409 (Stichproben) |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0354 | 014v a-15v b | 10 | 0949.03.01 | cum capitulis parallelis. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0356 | 001-1Av | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0358 | 016v-17v | 11 ex. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0361 | 013a-13bv | 13-14 |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0363 | 001-1v | 11-12 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. - quoad f. 2-3 cf. UniProd 2.S. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0364 | 009-10v | 10 (3/4) | Folio vide après f. 10 (non compté dans la numérotation). |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0365 | 175-176 | 10 ex. - 11 in. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1254 | 001v-3v | 10 |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1983 | 013-13vb | 11 (2/4) uel med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2290 | 007-7vb | 12 ex. | 1197.01.10 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2561 | 001-1va | 17 | 1620.10.15 | des. = ed. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2564 | 004-4v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Drama | Μονή Κοσινίτσης | Mss. | 003 (3P) | 006-7 | 09 (2/2) | - inc. mut.; des = ed. - f. 2r-5v: cf. UniProd 1.S. | ||||||||
Éire | Dublin | Chester Beatty Library | Manuscripts | W.134 | 001-2 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Éire | Dublin | Chester Beatty Library | Manuscripts | W.135 | 005-6 | 11 | Riproduzioni mancanti in VMR di f. 5v-6r. |
Éire | Dublin | Trinity College | Mss. | 0030 | 006-7 | 16 in. | 1522 ante | Inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. | |||||||
Éire | Dublin | Trinity College | Mss. | 0031 | Vr-v | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Edinburgh | University Library | Mss. | 0219 | 013 | 11 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Edinburgh | University Library | Mss. | 0219 | 014-14v | 11 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Conv. Soppr. | 159 | 00V a-Vv | 11 (1/2) |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Conv. Soppr. | 160 | 004v-5v | 12 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis in columnis exhibitis. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 14 | 007-8v | 11 (seconda metà) | f. 9r: vacuum. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 18 | 015v a-16b | 11 |
Suisse | Genève | Bibliothèque de Genève | Mss. | gr. 19 | 006-7v | 11 ex.-12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Glasgow | University Library | MS Hunter | 475 (V.7.2) | 026-27v | 11 | f. 28r: bianco. | ||||||||
Italia | Grottaferrata | Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale | Mss. | Α. α. 005 (gr. 219) | 000V | 11 (2/2) | - Décalages de la numérotation (69 cap. dans le témoin pour 68 dans l'édition): 1) chapitres écrits sur 2 lignes toutes deux numérotées (chapitre ιʹ a les numéros ιʹ et ιαʹ; chapitre μηʹ a les numéros μηʹ et μθʹ). 2) La première erreur est compensée par le fait que 2 chapitres ont le même numéro (ιηʹ). |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0884 | 001-2v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0885 | 007v-9 | 11-12 | Error in numeratione capitulorum est ad f. 9r marg. sup. emendatus. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0896 | 001 a-vb | 13 | 1263.02.16 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0900 | 003-3v | 11 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0913 | 007v-8v | 14? | - Inc. et des. ut ed. - F. 9r uacuum. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0919 | 001-1v | 11 med. | 1068 | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0922 | 008v-9v | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0937 | 011v-12v | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0939 | 001v-2 | 15-16 ? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0949 | 001v-3 | 10 | 0948.11.23 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - F. 3v uacuum. - De f. 4 cf. UniProd 2.S. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0957 | 001-2v | 12 | inc. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0960 | 008v-10v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0975 | 006v-7v | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - male legitur - f. 8r uacuum | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Γρηγορίου | Mss. | 003 (Lambros 550) | 001 | 12 | 1112.06 | Inc. mut. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Γρηγορίου | Mss. | 156 (Lambros 6584) | 007v-8 | 13 (1/4)-13 (3/4) | - Inc. mut. et des. = ed. - Male legitur | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Διονυσίου | Mss. | 0010 (Lambros 3544) | p. 012-14 | 09-10 | In una columna posita. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Διονυσίου | Mss. | 0035 (Lambros 3569) | 009v-10 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 021 (Lambros 2695) | 002-3 | 11 | - f. 1rv uacuum - inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 044 (Lambros 2718) | <p. 5-7> | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 046 (Lambros 2720) | f. (<Ι>)1r-2r quart. 3 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Εσφιγμένου | Mss. | 025 (Lambros 2038) | 006v-7 | 12 | 1128-1129 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0002 (Lambros 4122) | 010v-11r | 12 | sequuntur ff. 11v-12 uacua | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0056 (Lambros 4176) | 009 a-vb | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0059 (Lambros 4179) | 001-2 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0072 (Lambros 4192) | 001v-2v | 11 ? |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 1387 | 008-9 | 10 (2/2) | - Deest capitulum περὶ αἱμορροούσης (ιϛ΄, cf. Von Soden, p. 406), quapropter numerus capitulorum 67 loco 68 est. - F. 9v originaliter uacuum, cf. UC 2.Q |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 067 (Lambros 3136) | 006v-7v | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 069 (Lambros 3138) | 002v-4 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 078 (Lambros 3147) | 028-30 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 284 (Lambros 3357) | 016-17v | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 002 (Eustratiades 0002) | 003-4v | 13 ex | F. 1r-2v, 5r uacua. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 007 (Eustratiades 0007) | 011v-13 | 11-14? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 012 (Eustratiades 0012) | 002-2v | 11? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 021 (Eustratiades 0021) | 007v-9 | 12 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 022 (Eustratiades 0022) | 006v-7v | 11-12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - tit. init. non communis |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 023 (Eustratiades 0023) | 012v-14 | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 028 (Eustratiades 0028) | 008-9v | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallellis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 037 (Eustratiades 0037) | 025-26 | 13? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 039 (Eustratiades 0039) | 001-2va | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 042 (Eustratiades 0042) | 002v-3v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 045 (Eustratiades 0045) | 005v-7 | 11-12? | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis a manu posteriore additis (cf. UniProd 2.Q) - f. 7r cf. et UniProd 2.Q | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 052 (Eustratiades 0052) | 001v-2vb | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 057 (Eustratiades 0057) | 007v-9 | 11 | - F. 9v originaliter uacuum (cf. infra). |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 064 (Eustratiades 0064) | 225-226v | 12 | - Cum capitulis parallelis. - Cap. 40 non inuenitur, cf. Von Soden, p. 406. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 065 (Eustratiades 0065) | 010-10v | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 074 (Eustratiades 0074) | 011v-13 | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 104 (Eustratiades 0104) | 007 a-va | 12 | |||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Γ 048 (Eustratiades 0288) | 001-2 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Λ 173 (Eustratiades 1664) | 008v a-9 | 12 | 1172.04 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ξηροποτάμου | Mss. | 103 (Lambros 2436) | 005-6v | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Παντοκράτορος | Mss. | 045 (Lambros 1079) | 002v | 12 | 1129.10.18 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Σταυρονικήτα | Mss. | 043 (Lambros 0908) | 016v a-17va | 10 med. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 021 (Lambros 1784) | 035 b-36 b | 12 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 044 (Lambros 1807) | 014-14v | 11 | inc. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 048 (Lambros 1811) | 003-4 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίας Τριάδος | 011 | 011-12 | 13 in. | |||||||||
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίας Τριάδος | 012 | 016v, 019-v, 018 | 14 (2/4) | ff. 18v, 20r-v uacua | ||||||||
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Σκευοφυλακίου | 05 | 008-9v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 101 | 001-2 | 14 | - Inc. et des. ut ed. Soden 1902. - Cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 166 | 005v-6 | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Μονής Αβραάμ | 065 | 007v-8v | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 025 | 0010 a -10b | 11 | - Ιnc. mut. (desunt cap. 1-56). - Capitula sunt duabus columnis posita, saluo ultimo quod per duas columnas est scriptum. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 037 | 003-4 | 13 (2/4)-13 (3/4) | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 042 | 001 a-vb | 11-12 |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 048 | 004v-6 | 11 |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 049 | 015-16v | 11 (1/4) | - Des. mut. - Desunt duo ultima capitula. - Verisimile est unum folium post f. 16 deesse. - F. 17r uacuum. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Τιμίου Σταυρού | 095 | 012-13 | 12-13 | - Numeri capitulorum sunt in marg. exteriori positi. - F. 13v uacuum. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Τιμίου Σταυρού | 104 | 010 | 13-15? | - Postremum capitulum (cf. desinit) est capitulum 63 in loco suo omissum et post finem capitulorum (cf. détail) additum; dactyli signum eo locum suum designat. - Cum capitulis parallelis. |
Hellas | Kalabruta (Eleia) | Μονή Μεγάλου Σπηλαίου | Mss. | 01 | 015-17 | 10 med. | F. 17v-18r uacua. |
Polska | Kraków | Biblioteka Jagiellońska | Berlin, graec. | 8°.03 (379) | 005-6v | 11 | 1077.05 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Nederland | Leiden | Universitaire Bibliotheken | BPG | 074A | 004-4v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | Leipzig | Universitätsbibliothek | gr. | 06 (Tischendorf 4) | 025-26v | 10 (4/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 05111 | 007v-9 | 12 (4/4) | 1189 ante | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 05117 | 015v | 14 | 1326 post | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 11837 | 009-9vb | 14 | 1357.10.07 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 14774 | 001-2v | 12 | The capitula are in a single column. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 16183 | 004v a-vb | 13 (2/2) | The text is in two columns. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 16943 | 009-9v | 11 | des. = ed. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 17469 | 003v-4 | 14 | Inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 17470 | 009-10v | 11 | 1033.12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 22736 | 011-12 | 12 | 1179 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 22741 | 010-10v | 13-14 | des. mut. (cap. 54) | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 24373 | 016-17v | 13 | standard | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 33277 | 017v-19v | 9 | - standard. - f. 16bis r-17r: uacuum. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 36752 | 001v-3 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39590 | 009v-10v | 12? | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39594 | 001-2 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Egerton | 2610 | 011 | 11 | - f. 11v and 12r are blank. - The blank pages indicate that the capitula were left unfinished at the time of production rather than becoming incomplete at a later stage. - Cf. the canon tables above. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 1810 | 023-24 | 12 ex. - 13 in. | f. 24v originally blank, now containing scribbles. f. 25r is also blank. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 5567 | 013v-14v | 12 |
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 0528A | 005-5v | 13 | First hand left out capitulum λαʹ. A second hand has added it and corrected the subsequent numbers. Hence, the page must have ended with the no longer visible number λ[ζ]ʹ. |
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 1176 | XVIIIv-XIXv | 11 (1/4) | - inc. et des. = ed. - Next item in the ms., see UC 3.S, f. XXr. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Malvern | Coll. W. Dyson Perrins | Mss. | 130 | 001 | 12, 14 (2/2) | - Des. ut ed. Soden 1902. - Male legitur. |
United Kingdom | Manchester | John Rylands University Library | Mss. | gr. 02 | 001v-2 | 11-14? | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Sequuntur textus erasi duo f. 2v (alter forsitan prima manu). | ||||||||
Australia | Melbourne | National Gallery of Victoria | Mss. | Felton 710.5 | 008-9v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Messina | Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria 'Giacomo Longo' | Fondo Vecchio | 018 | 012-13v | 09 (4/4)-10 (1/4) |
Hellas | Meteōra | Μονή Βαρλαάμ | Mss. | 001 | 007-7v | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Meteōra | Μονή Μεταμορφώσεως | Mss. | 540 | 010-11v | 11 ex.-12 in. | - f. 10r-11r non sunt in VMR - f. 11v : cf. cat. Sophianos-Galavaris p. 63 | ||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | H 013 sup. (Martini-Bassi 423) | 010-12 | 10 ex.-11 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. |
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | R 035 sup. (Martini-Bassi 711) | 004-6v | 11 ex. | |||||||||
Italia | Modena | Biblioteca Estense universitaria | Mss. | α. M. 9. 05 (Puntoni 1) | 009-10v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Modena | Biblioteca Estense universitaria | Mss. | α. T. 7. 23 (Puntoni 242) | 010-11v | 13-14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 278 (Vlad. 016) | 028-29 | 12 | 1199.12.05 |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 399 (Vlad. 009) | 006-7 | 09-10 | Titulus initialis necnon primum capitulum est excissum; ad calcem f. 7r numeri capitulorum non leguntur propter deformationem materialem uel mutilationem codicis. |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 519 (Vlad. 14) | 009-10v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | München | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) | Cod.graec. | 518 | 008v-10 | 14? | Cum capitulis parallelis. |
Deutschland | München | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) | Cod.graec. | 594 | 025-26v | 10-12 ? |
Deutschland | Münster (Westphalia) | Bibelmuseum | Mss. | 08 | 075--76v | 14-15? | cum capitulis parallelis - added by a later hand and cramped into empty space on four consecutive pages two of which are occupied by an elaborate apostle list (see entry below); only the last page was originally blank; the capitula may have been supplied here to compensate for the loss of the first pages, in which case they must predate that loss. |
Italia | Napoli | Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III | Mss. | II A 37 | 002v-4 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - ff. 4v, 5v-6v uacua |
United States of America | New York (NY) | The Morgan Library & Museum | MS | M.340 | 001-2v | 14 (1/2) | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 3r-4r uacua (f. 3r : textus deletus) | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | E. 5. 11 (Misc. 076) | p. 001 a-2b | 10 (1/2) | - F. IV originellement vide (essais de plume f. IVr). - Des. imperf. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 1. 03 (Misc. 306) | 005v-6v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 2. 02 (Misc. 313) | 001-1va | 09 ex.-10 | 0979 ? | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Un f. di carta, aggiunto successivamente, dopo il f. 1 (= f. 1b: uacuum). |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Clarke | 10 | 003v-4v | 11 (3/4) | F. 4v quart. 2-f. 5r originellement vides. Voir UniProd 2.Q. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Cromwell | 15 | 017v-18v | 10 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Lyell | 91 | 002v a-3v | 11 ex. - 12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Rawlinson | G. 003 (Misc. 141) | 003-4v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Roe | 01 | 008-9 | 12 (2/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Selden Supra | 29 | 015 b-15v | 14 | 1337-1338 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 012 | 027v b-28b | 13 (3/4) | Inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 021 | 010-10v | 11 in. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 024 | 008v-9v | 13 ex. | inc. et des. = ed. In duo columnis exaratum. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 026 | 001-2v | 13 (2/2) |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 032 | 003-4v | 12 (2/4) | 1139 ca | - inc. et des. = ed. - fin du f. 4v et f. 5r : voir UC 2.Q. | |||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Lincoln College | Mss. | gr. 017 | 005-6v | 12 ex. | - Dernier chapitre: écriture en partie effacée. - F. 7rv: cf. UniProd 2.S. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal | Mss. | 08409 | 009-10v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Coislin | 020 | 008-9v | 10 | Vide opera duae manu posteriori ad f. 9v addita (cf. UC 3.Q). F. 10r uacuum |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Coislin | 199 | 022v-23v | 13-14 | - inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Copte | 016 | 343r-v | 13-14 ? | Ergänzung des fehlenden Textes vom Anfang des Ms. (siehe UC 1.A) von anderer Hand, am Ende eingebunden zwischen die folios vom Ende des Ioh. eingebunden Capitula sind Übersetzungen aus dem Griechischen und entsprechen von Soden, Capitula vorn weichen ab, siehe Hebbelynck |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0048 | 017-18 | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0049 | 017 a-vb | 11 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0062 | 002 a-3b | 09 | - f. 2r male legitur; - inc. ut uidetur et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0064 | 009 a-b | 11 | - Capitula a Matteo (incompleti) in due colonne; - mancanti i capitula da α´ Περι των μαγων a λθ´ Περι του οφειλοντος μυρια ταλαντα. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0066 | 001v-3 | 12 | f. 1v danneggiato; dalla riproduzione di VMR esso sembra essere stato incollato al foglio di guardia (probabilmente antico) precedente. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0070 | 001-3 | 10 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0071 | 023-24 | 12 (2/4) |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0074 | 062v-63v | 11 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0078 | 008 a-9 | 11 | - Die Capitula sind in zwei Kolumnen verfasst, lediglich das letzte Capitulum reicht über die gesamte Breite der Seite. - f. 9v ist leer. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0080 | 001r-v, 007 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0081 | 011v-13 | 11 ex. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0083 | 006v-7 | 12 | 1167.12.14 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0087 | p. 340, 339 | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0106 | 194-194v | 13 (2/2) | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0115 | 001-2v | 10 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0379 | 006v a-vb | 13 ? | La numerazione dei capitula non corrisponde a quella canonica. |
Italia | Parma | Biblioteca Palatina | Palat. | 0005 | 006v-7v | 11 (3/4) | inc. = ed. |
Italia | Parma | Biblioteca Palatina | Parm. | 2319 (De Rossi 1) | 001-2 | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Patmos | Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου | Mss. | 0084 | 001-2 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Patmos | Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου | Mss. | 0276 | 005v b-6vb | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | Scheide Library | Mss. | Scheide M 001 | 007 a-8b | 11 |
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | Scheide Library | Mss. | Scheide M 070 | 003v a-4va | 11 | |||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 02 | 042-43v | 11 ex.-12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 04 | 002-2v | 12 ex. | inc. = ed. |
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 06 | 008-9 | 12 (2/2) | - f. 9v ist leer. - f. 10 und 11: Vgl. UC 2.S. |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Angelica | gr. | 011 | 005-6v | 12 |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Casanatense | Mss. | 0165 | 001 a-vb | 12 ex.-13 in. | f. 2r vide |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Vallicelliana | Mss. | B 133 | 001v, 004-4v, 002 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - Ordo foliorum perturbatus. - f. 5r originaliter uacuum (probatio calami). | ||||||||
Italia | Rossano Calabro | Museo Diocesano e del Codex | Mss. | cod. 1 | p. 017-18 | 06 | - Inc. et des.= ed. ut uidetur. - Foglio rilegato all'inverso: inizio a p. 18, continuazione e fine a p. 17. | ||||||||
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | y. III. 05 (Andrés 328) | 005 a-vb | 11 | 1013.10.29 | Inc. = ed. |
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | y. III. 06 (Andrés 329) | 006v-7v | 13 |
United States of America | San Marino (CA) | Huntington Library | Mss. | HM 1081 | f. (I)23v-24v quart. 2 | 13 | 1282-1290 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Suisse | Sankt Gallen | Stiftsbibliothek | Mss. | 0048 | p. 019--21 | 09 | - Inc. et des. = ed. |
Suisse | Sankt Gallen | Stiftsbibliothek | Mss. | 0048 | p. 019--21 | 09 | Versione latina interlineare. |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 053 (Granstrem 81) | 009-10v | 15 | - Inc. et des. = ed.; - per il f. 11 cf. UC 2.Q | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 054 (Granstrem 103, 146) | 007-8 | 10 (2/4) | - Inc. et des. = ed.; - f. 8v: uacuum | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 067 (Granstrem 249) | 012-13v | 11 (1/2) | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis paralellis | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 101, I (Granstrem 349) | 005-6 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 219 (Granstrem 71) | 002-3 | 09 | 0835.05.07 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 220 (Granstrem 147 et 251) | 007v-8v | 10 med. | - inc. et des. = ed. - Per il f. 9 cf. Temoin in UC 2.S. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 509 (Granstrem 252) | 001-2 | 10 ex.-11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Филиал Института Российской Истории Российской Академии Наук | Mss. | 10.667 (Granstrem 359) | p. 009-11 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0150 | 041v a-42b | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0153 | 007-8v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0155 | 027-27v | 11 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0157 | 006 a-7b | 12 | 1127-1158 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0158 | 009-10 | 11 med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0162 | 001-2v | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0166 | 006r-v | 12 ex. - 13 in. | the end of the capitula are obscured by the portrait of the evangelist Matthew, which was painted over it at a later stage. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0175 | 006-7 | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0180 | 006v-7v | 12 | 1186.02 | f. 8r-v uacuum. | |||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0182 | 001-2v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0184 | 003-4a | 11 | II titolo del vangelo e la sticometria alla fine dei capitula sembrano essere stati aggiunti da mano più recente. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0187 | 007v-8v | 12 | - cum capitulis parallelis. - f. 9r: uacuum. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0188 | 016-17v | 11 in. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0267 | 010 a-b | 14 | - E duabus columnis constat. - f. 10v: uacat. | ||||||||
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 177 | 001-1va | 13 ex.-14 in. | standard | ||||||||
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 338 | 009 a-10b | 10 ex. | F. 10v vide. |
Sverige | Uppsala | Universitetsbibliotek | Mss. | gr. 04 | Vv-VIv | 11 (2/2) | - Inc. et des. ut ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Sverige | Uppsala | Universitetsbibliotek | Mss. | gr. 13 | 002v-4 | 13 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - F. 4v originaliter uacuum, cf. UniProd 2.Q. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 003 (coll. 0944) | 032v-34 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 008 (coll. 1397) | 008 a-9b | 10 1/3 | - Les capitula sont à nouveau copiés par une main plus récente sur les folios suivants: cf. UniProd 3.Q. - F. 9v vide. - F. 10-12: cf. UniProd 2.S et 3.Q. |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 008 (coll. 1397) | 010 a-11b | 11 (2/2)-13? | - Répétition des capitula de Matthieu (cf. UniProd 2.A, f. 8r-9r). - F. 11v originellement vide (voir EA). |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 014 (coll. 1119) | 005v, 007r-v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 059 (coll. 1277) | 012v-13v | 12 | inc. = ed. |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. Z. | 008 (coll. 0378) | 007 a-8b | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. Z. | 544 (coll. 0591) | 011 a-va | 11 in. | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
United States of America | Washington (DC) | Dumbarton Oaks | Mss. | 3 | 094 a-vb | 11 | 1084 ca | Inc. et des. ut ed. | |||||||
United States of America | Washington (DC) | Museum of the Bible | Mss. | MOTB.MS.000474.1-.2 | 012-13v | 12 (2/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 050* | 013-14v | 11 | |||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 052 | 011-12 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 164 | 004v | 12 | 1108-1109 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | theol. gr. | 188 | 006 a-v b | 11 (1/2) |
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | theol. gr. | 240 | 001-2v | 10 ex.-11 in. | 1000 ca | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Deutschland | Wolfenbüttel | Herzog August Bibliothek | Weissenb. | 064 | 279r-v | 06 med. | - Inc. et des. mut. - Témoin catalogato come UniProd. individuale nel cat. online della HAB (= Palimpsest VII), ma assai probabilmente facente parte di UniProd 4. Pal. III (cf. Cavallo 1967, p. 105; Falluomini 1999, p. 39-42). |