Textes et manuscrits grecs
Type | Contenu | Remarque |
Titulus initialis | Τοῦ κατὰ Λουκᾶν εὐαγγελίου τὰ κεφάλαια. | |
Incipit | αʹ Περὶ τῆς ἀπογραφῆς | |
Desinit | πγʹ περὶ (τοῦ) Κλεόπα. |
Pays | Ville | Dépôt | Fonds | Cote | Folios | Recension ou partie |
Auteur (Rôle) | BHG | Date lit. | Siècle | Date | Commentaire | Contenu | Rev. | Biblio. |
Hellas | Almuros | Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο | Mss. | 02 | 113v-115 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Ann Arbor (MI) | University of Michigan Library | MS | 015 | 071 a-vb | 12 (1/2) |
United States of America | Ann Arbor (MI) | University of Michigan Library | MS | 021 | 115 a-vb | 13 | Zwischen f. 115 und 116 fehlen offensichtlich Folios, die wahrscheinlich das Ende der Capitula und vielleicht auch ein Epigramm zu Luc. sowie den Beginn von Ioh. enthielten. |
United States of America | Ann Arbor (MI) | University of Michigan Library | MS | 022 | 131v a-132v | 11 | - Auf f. 131v und am Anfang von f. 132r sind die Capitula in zwei Kolumnen verfasst, danach in einer einzigen. - Ihr Titel befindet sich im oberen Rand, also über dem ihnen vorangehenden Prolog. - Zwischen f. 132 und f. 133 ist im Falz ein Rest eines Folios zu erkennen, dass vermutlich Text enthalten hat. - f. 133r ist leer. |
Hellas | Athēna | Ακαδημία Αθηνών, Βιβλιοθήκη Ιωάννης Συκουτρής | Βιβλιοθήκης Ξ. Σιδερίδου | 01 | 082-82v | 12-14 ? | - inc. mut. sed uide restaurationem f. 81r-v in UniProd 2.A. - des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Ακαδημία Αθηνών, Βιβλιοθήκη Ιωάννης Συκουτρής | Βιβλιοθήκης Ξ. Σιδερίδου | 01 | 081-81v | 11 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. sed uide restaurationem ad f. 82r-v in UniProd 1.S. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βιβλιοθήκη της Βουλής | Mss. | 002 | 131-132v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο (BXM) | Mss. | ΒΧΜ 01612 (ΒΜ 2779, cat. Pallas 155) | 096-97 | 13 | 1292.05 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Βυζαντινό και Χριστιανικό Μουσείο (BXM) | Mss. | ΒΧΜ 19561 (ΚΠρ 0227, ΒΜ 205) | 087-88 | 12 | 1154 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη | Mss. | 001.5 | 083-83v | 13 | 1226.05.01 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0056 | 150v-151v | 10 med. | f. 152r-154r uacua. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0057 | 164v-166v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0074 | 092v b-93vb | 11 (1/2) |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0076 | 186v-188v | 11 med. | |||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0080 | 095-96v | 13 ex. | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 96 cf. UniProd 2.Q | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0107 | 057v | 13 | - Inc. ut ed. - Des. mut. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0113 | 101v-102v | 11 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0118 | 108v, 110 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - the capitula are in two columns - for f. 109, see UC. 1.S. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0121 | p. 242-244a | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0137 | 087v-88v | 14 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut., finis male legitur. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0152 | 141v-142 | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 0158 | p. 199-202 | 12 |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 044 | 142v-143v | 10-11 |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 046 | 146-148 | 14 med. | Inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 047 | 053v-55v | 11 | Cum capitulis parallelis in columnis exhibitis |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Μπ. | 070 | 090v a-91b | 13 (2/2) | In duabus columnis |
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Τ. Α. | 142 | 067-68 | 10-11 | - Capitula aliquoties in duabus columnis disposita in f. 67r et f. 68r. - Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Μουσείο Μπενάκη | Τ. Α. | 320 | 111v-112v | 13 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Athēna | Πανεπιστήμιο Σπουδαστήριο Βυζαντινής και Νεοελληνικής Φιλολογίας | Mss. | 02 | 138v-140 | 13 (3/4)-14 (1/4) | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
New Zealand | Auckland | Central City Library | Sir George Grey Special Collections | Med. MS. G. 124 | 100-101 | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - the numbering is different from the edition (πζʹ rather than πγʹ). | ||||||||
United States of America | Austin (TX) | University Library, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection | Mss. | HRC 24 | 134v-136 | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 522 | 139-140v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 529 | 136-137v | 11 med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Baltimore (MD) | Walters Art Museum | Mss. | W 532 | 147v b-149 | 11 ex | Standard. | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 2 | 101-106v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 3 | 101-106v | 1 | Pour des tests PTB/StruViMan (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 4 | 101-106v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 5 | 101-106v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1906) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 6 | 101-106v | 02 | Test PTB (19.06) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 7 | 101-106v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1907) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Dépôt de test PTB | Fond de test PTB | Cote test PTB 8 | 101-106v | 1 | Attention, entrée de test (SD 1907) | ||||||||
Suisse | Basel | Universitätsbibliothek | Mss. | A. N. III. 12 | 154-154v | 09 | Inc. mut. et des. = ed. |
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) | Graec. | 4°.39 (341) | 161v-163 | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | Berlin | Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) | Graec. | 8°.12 (388) | 140-141 | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Birmingham | University of Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library | Braithwaite | gr. 003 | p.257-260 | 13 ex. | - inc. = ed. - the text is partially obscured by an annotation on p. 261. |
United Kingdom | Birmingham | University of Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library | Peckover | gr. 07 | 179-181v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Slovenská republika | Bratislava | Ústredná knižnica Slovenskej akadémie vied (ÚK SAV) | Mss. | 394 kt | 140v-141v | 12 | 1182-1183 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 142r uacuum. | |||||||
Italia | Brescia | Biblioteca Queriniana | Mss. | A. VI. 26 | 095v-97 | 10 med. | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 97v: cf. UniProd 3.Q. | ||||||||
România | București | Biblioteca Academiei Române (BAR) | Ms. grec | 0665 (Litzica 312) | 089 a-vb | 12 | - Capitula in duabus columnis posita, horizontaliter legenda. - Sequitur inuocatio quaedam (f. 89v quart. 3). |
România | București | Biblioteca Academiei Române (BAR) | Ms. grec | 1175 | 117-118v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
România | București | Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României | Mss. | 01 | 147v-149 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Magyarország | Budapest | Eötvös Loránd Tudomány Egyetem Könyvtára | Mss. | 001 (Graec. 1) | 171-172v | 10 ex.-11 |
Magyarország | Budapest | Országos Széchényi Könyvtár | Mss. | Cod. graec. 1 | 144 a-145va | 12 | In duabus columnis. |
United Kingdom | Cambridge | Fitzwilliam Museum | Mss. | MS 87-1972 (567-568) | 137v-139v | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | Add. | 10062 | 001v-2v | 07 ex.-08 in. | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis; trascrizione completa cf. Tregelles 1861, p. viii-xii. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | Add. | 6594 | 135v-137v | 09 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | Add. | 6677 | 128v-130 | 10 ex.-11 (1/2) | Inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Cambridge | University Library | fonds ancien | Nn. II. 36 (2598) | 110 b-111v | 12 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Chicago (IL) | Newberry Library | Mss. | 023836 | 101v-102v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Chicago (IL) | University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library | Mss. | 0129 | 093-93v | 12 | 1133 | inc. et des. = ed. (nisi numerus: πδʹ. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 319 | 085-85v | 11 | 1039.10 | - In duo columnis exaratum. - inc. = ed. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 352 | 092 a-93vb | 10 (2/2)-11 (1/4) |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 445 | 090-91v | 12 | 1122-1123 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 482 | 085v-86v | 12 in. | 1121 ? | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 520 | 076 b-vb | 12 (2/2) |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Barb. gr. | 541 | 007-7va | 13 | 1291-1292 | Inc. ut ed. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Pal. gr. | 136 | 073v-74b | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Pal. gr. | 189 | 150v-151 | 11 ex.-12 in. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Urb. gr. | 002 | 164-165v | 12 | 1122-1142 | F. 166r vide. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. copt. | 009 | 232-234v | 13 | 1270 | Capitula verglichen mit der Liste bei von Soden, 409–411, direkte Übereinstimmung, daher Übersetzung aus dem Griechischen: f. 235v leer. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0349 | 181 a-182a | 12 | 1105 post | Présentation en 2 colonnes, 2 capitula consécutifs par ligne. Le titre est à droite de la fin du texte de Matth, dans la zone prévue pour la chaîne. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0354 | 116-117 | 10 | 0949.03.01 |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0356 | 171A-171C | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0358 | 171-172v | 11 ex. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0361 | 144-145v | 13-14 | Deux derniers chapitres en partie illisibles sur la reproduction. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0363 | 081-82 | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0364 | 129-130v | 10 (3/4) | Folio suivant f. 130 vide (non numéroté). |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0365 | 177v-178v | 10 ex. - 11 in. | Des. mutilatus. La dernière ligne est partiellement illisible. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 0756 | 152-154 | 11 ex.-12 (1/2) |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1254 | 128-130v | 10 | Numérotation des chapitres après 79: 90, 91 etc. au lieu de 80, 81… |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1548 | 001v-3v | 11 | |||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1983 | 088 a-vb | 11 (2/4) uel med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2070 | 060v-61v | 11 (1/2) | |||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2165 | 141 a-142va | 11 (1/2) | F. 142v b vide. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2290 | 109-109vb | 12 ex. | 1197.01.10 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2398 | 107-108v | 11 | inc. = ed. |
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2561 | 097v-99v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 2564 | 118-119 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Drama | Μονή Κοσινίτσης | Mss. | 003 (3P) | 083v-84v | 09 (2/2) | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Per il testo aggiunto sotto questi capitoli, cf. UniProd 1.S. | ||||||||
Éire | Dublin | Chester Beatty Library | Manuscripts | W.134 | 119-120v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Éire | Dublin | Chester Beatty Library | Manuscripts | W.135 | 103-104v | 11 | 105r: vacuum. |
Éire | Dublin | Trinity College | Mss. | 0030 | 087v-89 | 16 in. | 1522 ante | Inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. | |||||||
Éire | Dublin | Trinity College | Mss. | 0031 | p. 215-217 | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Conv. Soppr. | 159 | 102v a-103v b | 11 (1/2) |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Conv. Soppr. | 160 | 104-105v | 12 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis in columnis exhibitis. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 14 | 152-154 | 11 (seconda metà) | f. 154v, 155r: vacua. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 15 | 036 b-va | 11 (1/2) | |||||||||
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 18 | 137v a-138b | 11 | - F. 138v: originariamente in bianco: cf. infra 2.S. - F. 139r: vacuum. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 23 | 098-99v | 11 ex.-12 in. | F. 100r: vacuum. |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 30 | 095v-96v | 13 | inc. et des. standard | ||||||||
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 06. 34 | 125v a-126b | 11 |
Suisse | Genève | Bibliothèque de Genève | Mss. | gr. 19 | 232v-234v | 11 ex.-12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Glasgow | University Library | MS Hunter | 475 (V.7.2) | 171-173 | 11 | |||||||||
Italia | Grottaferrata | Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale | Mss. | Α. α. 003 (gr. 346) | 100 b-vb | 11 (1/2) | des. mutilatus, cf. von Soden cap. μηʹ. |
Italia | Grottaferrata | Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale | Mss. | Α. α. 005 (gr. 219) | 081 b-vb | 11 (2/2) | Des. imperfectus: la fin de la page est vide. |
Italia | Grottaferrata | Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale | Mss. | Α. α. 006 (gr. 181) | 074v-75b | 10 ex. | - Inc. et des. = ed. - Numerus 20 (sed non capitulum) omittitur. - F. 75v probabiliter uacuum. - Post f. 75v deesse folium uidetur. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0884 | 167-169v | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 170r uacuum | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0885 | 146-147v | 11-12 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0896 | 076v-77v | 13 | 1263.02.16 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0900 | 004v-6v | 11 | The capitula appear two times in different layouts. The first occurrence has been crossed out. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0913 | 115v-117 | 14 | - Inc. et des. ut ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0919 | 112v-114 | 11 med. | 1068 | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0922 | 125v-127 | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0926 | 103-104 | 12 | 2 colonnes, lecture horizontale des colonnes. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0932 | 051 a-51v | 11-12 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0937 | 199-200v | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0939 | 112-112v | 15-16 ? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0949 | 135-137 | 10 | 0948.11.23 | - Inc. et des. = ed. - F. 137v uacuum - De f. 138 cf. UniProd 2.S. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0957 | 145-146v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0960 | 162v-165 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Βατοπεδίου | Mss. | 0975 | 117v-118v | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 119r-120r uacua | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Γρηγορίου | Mss. | 003 (Lambros 550) | 086-87 | 12 | 1112.06 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Γρηγορίου | Mss. | 156 (Lambros 6584) | 100v-102, 101-101v | 13-15 ? | Inc. et des. = ed. Ordo foliorum perturbatus; foliotatio uero sensui congruit textus | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Διονυσίου | Mss. | 0010 (Lambros 3544) | p. 261 a-262b | 09-10 | Editis breuior (cf. von Soden, p. 411). P. 263 uacua. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Διονυσίου | Mss. | 0035 (Lambros 3569) | 109-110 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 021 (Lambros 2695) | 115-116v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 044 (Lambros 2718) | <p. 253-256> | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Δοχειαρίου | Mss. | 046 (Lambros 2720) | f. (16)2r-3v quart. 2 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Εσφιγμένου | Mss. | 025 (Lambros 2038) | 121-121v | 12 | 1128-1129 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Εσφιγμένου | Mss. | 029 (Lambros 2042) | 091 b-92 b | 12-13 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0007 (Lambros 4127) | 072v-74 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0032 (Lambros 4152) | 134-135v | 12 | - f. 134r is not included in the VMR reproduction but the standard beginning of the capitula to Luke are visible through the parchment on the other side of f. 134v. - des. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0056 (Lambros 4176) | 089v a-90b | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0059 (Lambros 4179) | 123v-124v | 13 | inc. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0066 (Lambros 4186) | 078v-80 | 12 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0068 (Lambros 4188) | 111 a-va | 12 | Capitula duabus columnis posita horizontaliter sunt legenda. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0072 (Lambros 4192) | 132-133v | 11 | Tria ultima capitula desiderantur. Post f. 133 deest unum folium (cf. catalogum). |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 1387 | 126-127v | 10 (2/2) | F. 128r originaliter uacuum, cf. UC 2.Q |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 067 (Lambros 3136) | 066v-67v | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 069 (Lambros 3138) | 133-135 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 076 (Lambros 3145) | 093v-95 | 10 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 078 (Lambros 3147) | 110-111v | 13 | inc. et des. = ed (numerus autem capitulorum 84). | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Κουτλουμουσίου | Mss. | 284 (Lambros 3357) | 133-135 | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 002 (Eustratiades 0002) | 147v-148v | 13 ex | - Des. mut. - Post f. 148 uidetur deesse unum folium. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 006 (Eustratiades 0006) | 145v-147 | 11 | 1047.02.21 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 007 (Eustratiades 0007) | 159v-161 | 11-14? | - inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 010 (Eustratiades 0010) | 108v-110 | 14 | 1337 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 012 (Eustratiades 0012) | 003v-5v | 11? | des. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 013 (Eustratiades 0013) | 041-41v | 12 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 021 (Eustratiades 0021) | 123-125 | 12 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 022 (Eustratiades 0022) | 126v-128 | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 023 (Eustratiades 0023) | 136v-138v | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 027 (Eustratiades 0027) | 088v-90 | 12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 90v-91v uacua | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 028 (Eustratiades 0028) | 129-130v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 037 (Eustratiades 0037) | 135v-136v | 13? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 039 (Eustratiades 0039) | 105-105v | 10 | inc. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 042 (Eustratiades 0042) | 112v-113v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 045 (Eustratiades 0045) | 130v-132v | 11-12? | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis a manu posteriore additis (cf. UniProd 2.Q) - f. 132v cf. et UniProd 2.Q | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 052 (Eustratiades 0052) | 106-107v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 057 (Eustratiades 0057) | 102-133v | 11 | - F. 134r: cf. UC 3.Q. - F. 134v uacuum. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 064 (Eustratiades 0064) | 095v-97v | 12 | Cum capitulis parallelis. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 065 (Eustratiades 0065) | 088-89v | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Α 074 (Eustratiades 0074) | 139v-141 | 14 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Β 052 (Eustratiades 0172) | 015v-16v | 10 (1/2) | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Γ 053 (Eustratiades 0293) | 067v a-68va | 11 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Γ 054 (Eustratiades 0294) | 114v a-115v b | 11 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας | Mss. | Λ 173 (Eustratiades 1664) | 080v a-81b | 12 | 1172.04 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ξηροποτάμου | Mss. | 103 (Lambros 2436) | 156-158 | 13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Παντοκράτορος | Mss. | 045 (Lambros 1079) | 042v | 12 | 1129.10.18 | Inc. = ed. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Παντοκράτορος | Mss. | 059 (Lambros 1093) | 104-105v | 12? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Σταυρονικήτα | Mss. | 043 (Lambros 0908) | 150 a-151b | 10 med. | F. 151v uacuum. |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 021 (Lambros 1784) | 140v b-141v b | 12 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 033 (Lambros 1796) | 106 a-vb | 10 |
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 044 (Lambros 1807) | 109v-110v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 046 (Lambros 1809) | 085v-86v | 12-14 ? | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Φιλοθέου | Mss. | 048 (Lambros 1811) | 080v-82 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | Hamburg | Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek | Mss. | In Scrin. 091 | p. 148 a-150 b | 10 |
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίας Τριάδος | 011 | 083-84 | 13 in. | |||||||||
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίας Τριάδος | 012 | 154-155v | 14 (2/4) | |||||||||
Türkiye | Istanbul | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Σκευοφυλακίου | 05 | 142-144 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 101 | 087-88v | 14 | - Inc. et des. ut ed. Soden 1902. - Cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 166 | 066v-67v | 14 | inc. et des. = ed. cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 413 | 118-120 | 12 | Ad f. 120r numerus capitulorum in marg. dext. bis descriptus. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Αγίου Σάββα | 606 | 076-77v | 11-12 |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Μονής Αβραάμ | 065 | 118-119v | 11-12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 028 | 100v-102 | 11 | Cf. etiam uersum in UC 3.Q |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 037 | 076-76v | 13 (2/4)-13 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 041 | 137-138v | 11-12 |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 048 | 121-122v | 11 |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Παναγίου Τάφου | 049 | 151-153 | 11 (1/4) |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Τιμίου Σταυρού | 074 | 068-70 | 10 | F. 70v uacuum. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Τιμίου Σταυρού | 095 | 125-126v | 12-13 | - Numeri capitulorum sunt in marg. exteriori positi. - In f. 126r in imo correxit copista seriem numerorum, quam primum falso posuit. |
** | Jerusalem | Πατριαρχική Βιβλιοθήκη | Τιμίου Σταυρού | 104 | 166-168 | 12 |
Kypros | Kaimakli | Coll. Σ. Μ. Λογίδου | Mss. | Sine numero | 092 | 10-11 | Inc. et des. mut. |
Hellas | Kalabruta (Eleia) | Μονή Μεγάλου Σπηλαίου | Mss. | 01 | 225-227v | 10 med. | F. 228r uacuum. |
Nederland | Leiden | Universitaire Bibliotheken | BPG | 074A | 056v-57b | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Nederland | Leiden | Universitaire Bibliotheken | Gro. | 137 (Geel 4) | 132v | 13-14 ? | inc. = ed. |
Deutschland | Leipzig | Universitätsbibliothek | gr. | 06 (Tischendorf 4) | 176-178v | 10 (4/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 05112 | 001-2v | 12 (4/4) | 1189 ante | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 05117 | 118v-119v | 14 | 1326.02.24 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 11837 | 116-116vb | 14 | 1357.10.07 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 14774 | 125-126v | 12 | The capitula are in a single column. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 16183 | 077v-78v | 13 (2/2) |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 17211 | 001 a-3a | 07 | |||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 17469 | 040-40v | 14 | Inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 17470 | 140-140v | 11 | 1033.12 | - inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 19387 | 103v-104v | 13 | inc. = ed. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 22736 | 108-109 | 12 | 1179 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 22741 | 118v-120v | 13-14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 24373 | 126-128 | 13 | standard | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 28815 | f. <75bis r-75ter r> | 10 med. | - Two stubs of purple parchment still bearing small fragments of a capitula list in gold lettering. Their imprint is visible on f. 75v and 76r. - What remains of f. <75ter v> is empty. - F. 76r empty. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 33277 | 172v-174 | 9 | standard | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 34107 | 109v-111 | 11-12 |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 36752 | 133v-135v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39590 | 087-87v | 12? | - inc. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39593 | 082v-83v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39594 | 095v-96v, 098 | 12 | inc et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39595 | 111-111v | 12 (2/2) | See UniProd 3.R. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Add. | 39595 | 110-110v | 12 (2/2) - 14 |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Egerton | 2610 | 141-143 | 11 | f. 143v and 144r are blank. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 1810 | 137-138v | 12 ex. - 13 in. | f. 139r blank except for a scribble. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 5540 | 127v-129 | 11 | f. 129v is blank. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 5567 | 142-143v | 12 | - Underneath the capitula on f. 143v there is a roughly-executed note. - f. 144r-v, originally blank, now contains various roughly-executed notes. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Harley | 5684 | 116 b-116v | 09-10 | - Inc. = ed.; - des. mut. |
United Kingdom | London | British Library (BL) | Royal | 01 D VIII | 019r-v | 05 (3/4) | Inc. et des. ut ed. |
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 0528A | 113-114v | 13 |
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 1175 | p. 196 b-198 | 11 med. - 12 med. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 1176 | p. 202-204, 207 | 11 (1/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | London | Lambeth Palace Library | Mss. | 1178 | p. 263-266 | 11 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Louisville (KY) | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | Mss. | Sine numero | 076-78 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Malvern | Coll. W. Dyson Perrins | Mss. | 130 | 117v a-119 | 12, 14 (2/2) | Inc. ut ed. Soden 1902. |
United Kingdom | Manchester | John Rylands University Library | Mss. | gr. 01 | 119-119v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Manchester | John Rylands University Library | Mss. | gr. 02 | 118-119v | 11-12 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Australia | Melbourne | National Gallery of Victoria | Mss. | Felton 710.5 | 123-124v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Messina | Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria 'Giacomo Longo' | Fondo Vecchio | 018 | 123v-125v | 09 (4/4)-10 (1/4) |
Hellas | Meteōra | Μονή Βαρλαάμ | Mss. | 001 | 084-84v | 12-13 | - inc. = ed. - des. mut. cf. cote liée, f. 1r | ||||||||
Hellas | Meteōra | Μονή Μεταμορφώσεως | Mss. | 540 | 136-137v | 11 ex.-12 in. | Inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | F 017 sup. (Martini-Bassi 328) | 162v a-163vb | 11 med. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | H 013 sup. (Martini-Bassi 423) | 137*-138v | 10 ex.-11 | - Initium incertum, quia reproductio folii f. 137r in VMR deest. - des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | M 048 sup. (Martini-Bassi 514) | 089-89v | 12 ex | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | R 035 sup. (Martini-Bassi 711) | 118-121 | 11 ex. | |||||||||
Italia | Milano | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | Mss. | S 023 sup. (Martini-Bassi 732) | 076v-77 | 12 (2/2) | |||||||||
Italia | Modena | Biblioteca Estense universitaria | Mss. | α. M. 9. 05 (Puntoni 1) | 143-145 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Modena | Biblioteca Estense universitaria | Mss. | α. T. 7. 23 (Puntoni 242) | 138-140 | 13-14 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Муз. собр. | 3644 | 101-102v | 10 ex. | 0999.10.14 | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 278 (Vlad. 016) | 142v-144 | 12 | 1199.12.05 | F. 144v uacuum |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 399 (Vlad. 009) | 101-102 | 09-10 | Initium uetustate erasum, postea manu recentiore fuit restauratum. |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 519 (Vlad. 14) | 154v-156v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Deutschland | München | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) | Cod.graec. | 518 | 155v-157 | 14? | F. 157v: uacuum. |
Deutschland | München | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) | Cod.graec. | 594 | 155-156v | 10 ex. | - Les trois derniers capitula manquent dans la liste. - la fin correspond à la fin d'un cahier (binion). |
Deutschland | Münster (Westphalia) | Bibelmuseum | Mss. | 04 | 137v-139v | 13 | Lettera iniziale dei tituli rubricata. |
Deutschland | Münster (Westphalia) | Bibelmuseum | Mss. | 08 | 123v-125v | 11 |
Italia | Napoli | Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III | Mss. | II A 37 | 115-116v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | New Haven (CT) | Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | MS | 1145 | 168v-170v | 10 (1/2) | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 171 : cf. UniProd 3.S | ||||||||
United States of America | New York (NY) | The Morgan Library & Museum | MS | M.340 | 142-144 | 14 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | E. 5. 11 (Misc. 076) | p. 225 a-226b | 10 (1/2) |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 1. 01 (Misc. 310) | 001v-3 | 10 (2/4) | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 3v: uacuum. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 1. 03 (Misc. 306) | 088-88v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 1. 04 (Misc. 314) | 116v b-117v | 10 ex. - 11 (1/2) | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 1. 10 (Misc. 136) | 116-117v | 12 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auct. | T. inf. 2. 02 (Misc. 313) | 060-60va | 09 ex.-10 | 0979 ? | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Clarke | 07 | 083-84 | 12 (2/2) | inc. = standard des. = the number for the final capitulum is one greater than usual. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Clarke | 10 | 075v-76v | 11 (3/4) |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Cromwell | 15 | 114-115v | 10 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Laud | gr. 33 | 146 a-146v | 11 (1/2) | - Inc. mut. - Première page en 2 colonnes, seconde en une colonne. - F. 147r vide. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Laud | gr. 33 | 145v | 14 | - Restauration des douze premiers capitula manquant dans l'UniProd. 1.A. - Des. imperf. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Lyell | 91 | 102-103v | 11 ex. - 12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Rawlinson | G. 003 (Misc. 141) | 143v-144v | 11 | inc. = ed. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Roe | 01 | 110-111v | 12 (2/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Selden Supra | 29 | 117v-119 | 14 | 1337-1338 | inc. standard. des. cf. transcriptionem. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 012 | 081v b-82b | 13 (3/4) | inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 021 | 110-111b | 11 in. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 024 | <f. 118r-119v quart. 3> | 13 ex. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 026 | 135-136v | 13 (2/2) |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 029 | 075-75v | 12 | 1130.11 | inc. = ed. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 031 | 058v-60 | 15 | The two-number discrepancy between this capitula list and the printed text in van Soden (p. 409-411) is due to 1) the fact that the scribe seems to make a jump in the numeration from μζʹ to μθʹ without omitting any of the capitula and 2) the introduction of an extra capitulum (see the details). |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 032 | 125-126v | 12 (2/4) | 1139 ca | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Christ Church | Wake | 034 | 192-193 | 11 in. | inc. et des. ut ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Lincoln College | Mss. | gr. 017 | 142-143 | 12 ex. | - Incomplet: seulement jusqu'au cap. 62 de Von Soden (p. 410). - Numérotation non visible sur f. 142v et 143r. En tout apparemment 61 cap. Le cap. νδʹ manque. - F. 143v vide. - F. 144rv: cf. UniProd 2.S. |
United Kingdom | Oxford | Lincoln College | Mss. | gr. 038 | 103-104v | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Lincoln College | Mss. | gr. 038 | 166-168 | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal | Mss. | 08409 | 098v-100 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Coislin | 020 | 220v a-222v b | 10 | F. 223r uacuum |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Coislin | 199 | 081v-83 | 13-14 | - inc. et des. ut ed. von Soden 1902. - cum capitulis parallelis. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0009 | 148v, 003r-v | 06 (1/2) | Inc. mut. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0048 | 133-134 | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0049 | 105 a-vb | 11 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0050 | 072v b-73 | 12-13 | - Inc. ut ed. - Des. abruptus. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0053 | p. 185 b-186 b | 10-11 inc. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0062 | 114 b-115vb | 09 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0063 | 132 a-132 bis | 10 ex. | F. 132bisv originaliter uacuum. Cf. infra. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0064 | 099v-100v | 11 | - I capitoli sono disposti in due colonne, ma si leggono orizzontalmente lungo la larghezza della pagina. - f. 101r: bianco |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0066 | 174v-176v | 12 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0070 | 180v-183 | 10 | - f. 183v: vacuo. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0071 | 098-99 | 12 (2/4) |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0072 | 108-109v | 12 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0074 | 165v-166v | 11 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0078 | 087-88 | 11 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0080 | 110r-v, 109 | 13 | ordo foliorum perturbatus. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0081 | 148-149v | 11 ex. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0081A | 111v-113 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0083 | 131v-133v | 12 | 1167.12.14 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0085 | 114-115v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0087 | Dv-Ev | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0106 | 263v-264 | 13 (2/2) | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0115 | 224-226 | 10 | 226v uacuum. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0116 | 116-117v | 12 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Grec | 0379 | 141-143 | 11 | Erronea numerazione dei capitula: 89 capitoli, in cui si passa dal n. 74 all'80. Cf. Martin 1884, p. 40 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 0911 | 002 a--4va | 11 | 1043.06.01 | - Versio graeca. - Incipit ut ed., des. mut. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 0911 | 002 b--4vb | 11 | 1043.06.01 | Versio arabica |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 0914 | 153v-155v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 1225 | 0131-133 | 11 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 1257 | 065v a-66a | 10 |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 1265 | 060-61 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 1282 | 122v | 11 | inc. = ed. |
France | Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) | Supplément grec | 1316 | 125-125v | 11-12 | - inc. mut. - des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Parma | Biblioteca Palatina | Palat. | 0005 | 136-137v | 11 (3/4) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Parma | Biblioteca Palatina | Parm. | 0065 (HH. X. 64) | 142-143v | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Parma | Biblioteca Palatina | Parm. | 2319 (De Rossi 1) | 107-108v | 10 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Patmos | Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου | Mss. | 0084 | 119v-120v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Hellas | Patmos | Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου | Mss. | 0276 | 120-121v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Česká republika | Praha | Knihovna Akademie věd České republiky | Mss. | 1 TG 3 | 092v a-93va | 12 (2/2)-13 in. | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | Scheide Library | Mss. | Scheide M 001 | 131 a-132va | 11 | f. 132vb ist leer. |
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | Scheide Library | Mss. | Scheide M 070 | 090v-92 | 11 | |||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 01 | 075 a-vb | 10 | - standard. - Il titolo del cap. 21 (κα´) è mancante: al suo posto c'è il titolo del cap. 22, cosicché risultano solo 82 capitoli anziché 83. | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 02 | 176v-178v | 11 ex.-12 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 03 | 125-126v | 12 | 1135-1136 |
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 04 | 086-86v | 12 ex. | - inc. et des. = ed. - titre des capitula détaché (voir marg. sup.) | ||||||||
United States of America | Princeton (NJ) | University Library | Garrett MS. | 06 | 080v-82 | 12 (2/2) | - f. 82v ist leer. - f. 83: Vgl. UC 2.S. |
United States of America | Riverside (CA) | University of California | Mss. | MS 04 | 079v | 13 | 1288-1289 | Inc. ut ed. Soden 1902. |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Angelica | gr. | 011 | 104v-105v | 12 |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Casanatense | Mss. | 0165 | 079v a-80vb | 12 ex.-13 in. |
Italia | Roma | Biblioteca Vallicelliana | Mss. | B 133 | 115-117 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 117v-118r uacua. | ||||||||
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | y. III. 05 (Andrés 328) | 104-105 | 11 | 1013.10.29 | - Des. = ed. - F. 105v uacuum. |
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | y. III. 06 (Andrés 329) | 085-87 | 13 |
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | Χ. III. 15 (Andrés 392) | 70av a-71b | 13 |
United States of America | San Marino (CA) | Huntington Library | Mss. | HM 1081 | f. (II)2v-4v | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. (II)5r uacuum - f. (II)5v: cf. UC 2.Q | ||||||||
Suisse | Sankt Gallen | Stiftsbibliothek | Mss. | 0048 | p. 191--193 | 09 | - Inc. et des. = ed. |
Suisse | Sankt Gallen | Stiftsbibliothek | Mss. | 0048 | p. 191--193 | 09 | - Versione latina interlineare; - p. 194 uacua. |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 034 (Granstrem 82) | 163-164v | 09 |
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 053 (Granstrem 81) | 208-209v | 10 med. | - Inc. et des. = ed.; - Per il f. 210 cf. UC 4.R. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 067 (Granstrem 249) | 131-132v | 11 (1/2) | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 097 (Granstrem 357) | 080 a-81 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 101, I (Granstrem 349) | 075v-77 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 219 (Granstrem 71) | 159-160v | 09 | 0835.05.07 | Inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 220 (Granstrem 147 et 251) | 103v-104v, 107 | 10 med. | - Inc. et des. = ed. - I capitoli in f. 107r sono ripetuti anche da una mano successiva (cf. UC 2.S, f. 105r). - Per il f. 105-106 cf. Temoin in UC 2.S. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 220 (Granstrem 147 et 251) | 105 | 13 med. | - Ripetizione dei capitoli già presenti in f. 107r. Apparentemente non è la stessa mano che ha scritto gli epigrammi. - Inc. mut.; des. = ed. - f. 105v: uacuum. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 301 (Granstrem 363) | 001 | 12-13 | - inc. cf. cote liée, f. 84rv - des. = ed. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Российская Национальная Библиотека (РНБ) | Ф. № 906 (Греч.) | 509 (Granstrem 252) | 097-98v | 10 ex.-11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 99r-v uacua. | ||||||||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Sankt-Peterburg | Филиал Института Российской Истории Российской Академии Наук | Mss. | 10.667 (Granstrem 359) | p. 222-224 | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0150 | 159v-160 | 11 | - inc. et des. = ed. - f. 160v uacuum | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0151 | 116v-117v | 11-12 |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0153 | 191-192v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0155 | 129v-130v | 11 in. | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0157 | 125v-127 | 12 | 1127-1158 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0158 | 125v-126v | 11 med. | inc. = ed. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0162 | 139-141 | 11-12 | - inc. et des. = ed. - cum capitulis parallelis | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0166 | 094-95v | 12 ex. - 13 in. | f. 96r: vacuum. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0173 | 106-107v | 11 |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0175 | 150v-151v | 12-13 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0180 | 114-115v | 12 | 1186.02 | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0182 | 122v-124 | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0184 | 109-110v | 11 |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0185 | 074v b-75v | 11 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0187 | 124-125v | 12 | f. 126r: uacuum. |
Miṣr | Sīnāʾ | Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης | gr. | 0188 | 125v-127 | 11 in. | f.127v: uacuum. |
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 177 | 002 a-vb | 13 ex.-14 in. | standard | ||||||||
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 177 | 003 a-3 | 11 (2/2) | inc. mut. | ||||||||
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 338 | 151 a-152vb | 10 ex. |
Bălgarija | Sofiâ | Център за славяно-византийски проучвания "Проф. Иван Дуйчев" (ЦСВП) | Д. гр. | 358 | 064-64v | 12 | 1124-1125 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Sakartvélo | Tbilisi | Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts | gr. | 27 | p. 294 a-295a | 9 | The scribe jumped the numbers from παʹ directly to πγʹ in the two previous entries. |
Sakartvélo | Tbilisi | Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts | gr. | 28 | 122 a-b | 09 | - The capitula list contains only a few entries, probably due to the fact that only very little space has been left blank in order to fill in the list. - There are chapter numbers from 1 to 9; 1-2 and 4-9 have titles, 3 is blank. |
Sverige | Uppsala | Universitetsbibliotek | Mss. | gr. 04 | 091-91v | 11 (2/2) | - Inc. ut ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis. |
Sverige | Uppsala | Universitetsbibliotek | Mss. | gr. 13 | 109-110v | 13 | Inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Nederland | Utrecht | Universiteitsbibliotheek | Mss. | 1. A. 07 (cat. Tiele 1) | 127 a-v a | 11 (1/4) |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 003 (coll. 0944) | 159-160v | 12 | inc. = ed. |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 008 (coll. 1397) | 187 a-189a | 10 1/3 | F. 189r b, 189v vides. |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 011 (coll. 1275) | 137v-139v | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 014 (coll. 1119) | 129-130v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | I. 059 (coll. 1277) | 148-148v | 12 | inc. = ed. |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. Z. | 008 (coll. 0378) | 116v a-117vb | 11 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. Z. | 539 (coll. 0303) | 128 a-b | 11 ex.-12 in. | inc. = ed. des. editis breuior (f. 133v-132v uacua) |
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. Z. | 544 (coll. 0591) | 143v a-vb | 11 in. | - inc. = ed. - Cum capitulis parallelis. - Des. mut. - f. 144r uacuum. |
United States of America | Washington (DC) | Dumbarton Oaks | Mss. | 3 | 150 a-vb | 11 | 1084 ca | Inc. et des. ut ed. | |||||||
United States of America | Washington (DC) | Museum of the Bible | Mss. | MOTB.MS.000474.1-.2 | 206-208 | 12 (2/4) | inc. et des. = ed. (numeri autem differunt ab editis: sunt πβʹ). | ||||||||
United States of America | Washington (DC) | Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art | Mss. | F1933.12 | 001 | 12 | |||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 050* | 156v-158 | 11 | f. 159r uacuum | ||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 052 | 115-116v | 12 | inc. et des. = ed. | ||||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | suppl. gr. | 164 | 051-51v | 12 | 1108-1109 | inc. et des. = ed. | |||||||
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | theol. gr. | 188 | 076v a-77v a | 11 (1/2) | Neben dem Ende der Capitula auf f. 77v befindet sich eine kurze Randnotiz bestehend aus einigen der ersten Wörter des Lukas-Evangeliums. |
Österreich | Wien | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) | theol. gr. | 240 | 154-156 | 10 ex.-11 in. | 1000 ca | inc. et des. = ed. |