Textes et manuscrits grecs
Pays | Ville | Dépôt | Fonds | Cote | Folios | Recension ou partie |
Auteur (Rôle) | BHG | Date lit. | Siècle | Date | Commentaire | Contenu | Rev. | Biblio. |
United States of America | Cambridge (MA) | Harvard University, Houghton Library | MS. Gr. | 17 | 155-173 | 15 ex. | F. 173v uacuum | ||||||||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Vat. gr. | 1878 | 337-338v | 16 | |||||||||
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 58. 02 | 080-94 | 15 ex. | 1490 ca |
Italia | Firenze | Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) | Plut. | 74. 03 | 171v-188 | 12 ex. - 13 in. |
Deutschland | München | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) | Cod.graec. | 234 | 010 | 16 (2/2) | Excerptum (cf. ed. H. Diels, Doxographi graeci, Berlin, 1879, p. 607, 7-608, 2) ; f. 10v uacuum | ||||||||
United Kingdom | Oxford | Bodleian Library | Barocci | 131 | 343-348 | 13 (2/2) | |||||||||
United States of America | Provo (UT) | Brigham Young University, Lee Library, L. T. Perry Special Coll. | Mss. | Vault 091 G13 1475 | 15 |