Textes et manuscrits grecs
Répertoire | Titre | Commentaires | Tome | Pages |
Pieralli, 1998, Una lettera del Patriarca Arsenios Autorianos a Papa Alessandro IV sull’unione delle Chiese | 178-185 |
Titre | Rôle | Ordo | Remarque | TLG | RAP | Mots clefs |
Ep. ad Alexandrum Papam | 0010 | The editor dates the letter to Autumn 1256. However, to our knowledge Manuel became the metropolitan bishop of Thessaloniki only in 1258. The letter was written on behalf of patriarch Arsenios Autoreianos and addressed to Pope Alexander IV: it urges the bishop of Rome to collaborate with the Byzantine emperor, Theodore II Laskaris, for he is the only one that could reunite the two Churches. |