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Résumé :

The otherwise obscure poet Constantine Hermoniakos composed a long, metrical Metaphrasis of the Iliad at the behest of the Epirote despot John of Kephalonia and his wife Anna some time after 1328. While re-narrations of the Trojan War were commonplace in Byzantine literature, Hermoniakos’ poem stands out for its unusual structure, as it features two overlapping divisions: one into headings arranging the text according to the narrative, as is typical of Byzantine novels; the other into twenty-four books following the model of Homer’s epics. This latter division, however, proves ineffective in dividing the narrative material and has a purely allusive function, as it results in a mock imitation of Homer. The key element for understanding Hermoniakos’ double structure of his Iliad is the influence of two traditions: on the one hand, twelfth-century Homeric scholarship (especially that of John Tzetzes), and, on the other hand, the contemporary, vernacular romances on the Trojan War (The War of Troy) that were popular – and sometimes even produced – in the Frankish territories of the Peloponnese. Thus, Hermoniakos’ poem exemplifies the complex entanglement between different narratives and literary traditions in Late Byzantine literature.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Leiden Universitaire Bibliotheken Vulc. 093 276-277, 278 (n. 29), 280 (n. 37), 283, 290 (n. 61), 297-300 figs. 10.1-4
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Coislin 316 276-277, 278 (n. 29), 281 (n. 39), 283, 304-305 figs. 10.8-10.9
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Supplément grec 0444 p. 277 cité par erreur sous la cote "Suppl. gr. 44" 276-277 (et n. 25), 283, 301-303 figs. 10.5-10.7
Città del Vaticano Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Pal. gr. 124 272

Copistes, possesseurs & autres

Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Γηράρδος (RGK 144) ἐκ Πατρῶν Παλαιῶν 276-277 (et n. 20)
Δαβὶδ (RGK II 126) μοναχὸς 277 (et n. 21)
Γεώργιος Δαβιλᾶς Χιώτης τοῦ παπᾶ Παντολέου ἀπὸ τὸ Πυργί Une note d'achat à Constantinople en 1597 277 (et n. 23)


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Constantinus Hermoniacus, Ilias Poème composé à l'instigation du despote Jean Comnène Angeloducas