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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

The present study presents the first critical edition of an unedited canon onSt Nicholas of Myra in Lycia composed most likely by Germanos I, Patriarchof Constantinople. The text is transmitted by three codices (Sinait. gr. 583, Sinait. gr. 590, and Athous, Lavrae Η 94), and the editio princeps of theabove-mentioned canon is accompanied by a detailed study of various aspects of the text, including its manuscript tradition, structure, contentand metre.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Hagion Oros Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας Mss. Η 094 (Eustratiades 0749) Éditions utilisant le manuscrit 141-163
Sīnāʾ Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης gr. 0583 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit 141-163
Sīnāʾ Μονή της Αγίας Αικατερίνης gr. 0590 Éditions utilisant le manuscrit 141-163