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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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[= Κῆπος ἀειθαλής. Studi in ricordo di Augusta Acconcia Longo, IV, a cura di Francesco D’Aiuto, Santo Lucà, Andrea Luzzi] Lucrezio Palladio degli Olivi senior was a member of the «Accademia degli Sventati», which was founded in 1606 at Udine in Friuli by his distant relative Alfonso Antonini and his uncle Enrico (Arrigo) Palladio degli Olivi, a local historian. Lucrezio left nothing to be printed, nor has any autograph been discovered so far. Yet Lucrezio’s hand can be detected in ten books (Greek manuscripts, Latin incunabula, and early printed editions) which bear his owner’s note from the 1670s. These books are at present scattered between Italy, Sweden, Norway, the U.S. and still other countries. Some books might have once belonged to the patriarch of Aquileia Antonio Grimani via Enrico and Gian Francesco Palladio degli Olivi, but their later wandering in Northern Europe (end of 17th/mid-18th century) needs further investigation.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Linköping Stifts- och Landsbiblioteket Mss. Klassiska författare 10 292
Habo Skokloster slott Mss. 2 (VII.4.14) Études sur le manuscrit 293

Copistes, possesseurs & autres

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Lucrezio Palladio degli Olivi