Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

Nel presente articolo si argomenta come, in riferimento alla tradizione manoscritta dell’Epitome della Καθολικὴ προσῳδία di Erodiano ad opera dello Ps.-Arcadio, il ms. Parisinus gr. 2102 (C) fu copiato da Jacopo Diassorino (XVI s.) direttamente dal ms. Parisinus gr. 2603 (B) – benché questi due codici siano sempre stati considerati fratelli, provenienti da uno stesso modello scomparso. Si argomenta inoltre come Diassorino abbia tratto le sue fonti per la compilazione del cosiddetto ‘libro XX’ dell’epitome sempre da B: ciò conferma in via definitiva l’inautenticità di questo libro. Su queste basi, è possibile ridefinire il ritratto di Diassorino come ‘falsario’, affibbiatogli almeno a partire dal XIX s. This paper argues that, as for the manuscript tradition of Ps.-Arcadius’ Epitome of the Καθολικὴ προσῳδία by Herodian, manuscript Parisinus gr. 2102 (C) was copied by the 16th-century scribe Jacob Diassorinos from another witness of that work, i.e. Parisinus gr. 2603 (B), while these two manuscripts have so far always been thought to be codices gemelli coming from the same, lost antigraph. I also claim that Jacob Diassorinos took his sources for writing the so-called ‘Book 20’ of this epitome from the same manuscript: therefore, the inauthenticity of this book is ultimately confirmed. On this basis, it is also possible to complete our knowledge of Diassorinos’ role as a forger, a portrayal attached to him starting from the 19th century.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
København Det Kongelige Bibliotek GKS 1965 4° Sigle A (Sandri)
Madrid Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) Mss. 04575 Sigle M (Sandri)
Oxford Bodleian Library Barocci 179 Sigle O (Sandri)
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2102 Sigle C (Sandri)
Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) Grec 2603 Sigle B (Sandri)