Résumé :
Comments on the Previously Unknown Acolouthy of Saint Lukas of SikyonCod. Sinaiticus gr. 568, ff. 32v-36v includes an, until recently, unknownacolouthy dedicated to the life of Saint Lukas of Sikyon. This paper aimsat presenting this text, and revealing the new findings that arise from itsstudy. Furthermore, an effort is made to identify Saint Lukas of Sikyon withSaint Lukas of Tauromenion. The text offers an interesting description of the life of a saint whose feast ceased to be commemorated throughout the years. The previously unknown acolouthy and vita found in the Synaxarion of Constantinople are used as sources for the narration of the saint’s life. It is, however, worth mentioning that the acolouthy offers new information about the life of the saint which is not included in his vita.