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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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N. G. WILSON, "Appendix A : Greek Manuscripts", dans : R. M. THOMSON, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of Merton College, Oxford, Oxford, 2009, p. 267-268

Temoins (23) :

Pays Ville Dépôt Fonds Cote Folios Recension
ou partie
BHG Date lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev.
United Kingdom Oxford Magdalen College Mss. gr. 010 099-116v* 14 med
United Kingdom Oxford Magdalen College Mss. gr. 010 116v-135* 14 med
United Kingdom Oxford Magdalen College Mss. gr. 010 127-135v* 14 med
United Kingdom Oxford Magdalen College Mss. gr. 010 135v-155* 14 med
United Kingdom Oxford Magdalen College Mss. gr. 010 166-170 14 med
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 003-243 10-11 Homiliae 1-19, 21 ; praemittuntur (f. 1r-v) adnotationes et (f. 2r-v) index codicis ; saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 243-255 10-11 saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 255-270 Homilia 20 10-11 Saec. X secundum R(III)1873a
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 270-280v 0129p 10-11
  • Bollandistes
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 270-306v 10-11 Homiliae 4, 6, 1, 5 (inc. ab editis diuersa) ; saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 280v-288 0124 10-11
  • Bollandistes
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 288v-300 0129k 10-11
  • Bollandistes
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 300-306v 0129q 10-11
Φέρε δὴ τήμερον τοῖς κατὰ τὸν Ὀζίαν
  • Bollandistes
  • IRHT inc.
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 306v-320v 2351 11 Des. mut. (PG 63, 543, lin. 4) ; IOHANNES CHRYSOSTOMVS cod. ; saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
  • Bollandistes
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 321-322, 326-328v 2355 10-11 Exemplatus ex codice perturbato ; inc. et des. mut. ; saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
  • Bollandistes
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 028 322-326 10-11 Excerptum : PG 47, 406 lin. 24-409, lin. 28 ; exemplatus ex codice perturbato ; saec. 10 secundum R(III)1873a
Ἀλλὰ καὶ τὰ μηδόλως
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 203B 001-125v 15-16 Hymni ad Laudes Dominici diei (ff. 1-10v : Paraklêtikê, Romae, 1885, p. 14 sqq.), inc. mut. ; hymni ad Vesperas Sabbati (ff. 11-125v : ed. ibid., p. 109, 186, 272, 362, 450, 534, 616)
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 203B 126-133v 15-16 "Exaposteilaria" ad Laudes matutinas
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 203B 133v 15-16 Hymnus ad festum S. Georgii
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 304 001-261v 16 1581
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 304 262-267v 16 1581 "Dissoi logoi" (ed. H. Diels et W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, Berlin 1952, t. 2, p. 405-416)
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 304 268-341v 16 1581 Excerptum e commentario in librum M ; des. imperfectum ; ed. M. Hayduck, Berlin, 1891, p. 722-825, 14
United Kingdom Oxford Merton College Mss. 304 342-371 16 1581 F. 371v uacuum