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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

The transcription and translation of a Greek manuscript in Bucharest which is a copy of an invective probably written by Ioannes Eugenikos in the early 1440s. The subject of the invective is Metrophanes II, Patriarch of Constantinople, who attended the Council of Florence and signed the document supporting union between the Eastern and Western Churches


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Iohannes Eugenicus Metaxopulus, Antirrheticus aduersus Concilii Florentini definitionem Études sur l'œuvre 10-11 n. 27
Iohannes Eugenicus Metaxopulus, Ep. contra Metrophanem II ptr. Sans titre Éditions, Édition de référence Présentation, édition fondée sur le România Bucuresti Biblioteca Academiei Române (BAR) Ms. grec 0452 (Litzica 602), traduction italienne et commentaire