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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

Codex 1317 of Iviron’s Monastery in Mount Athos contains extracts, until now unpublished, of the opuscules Περὶ πίστων attributed to Heraclitus and to Anonymous compiler. This article, after describing the manuscript and its contents, studies the contributions of these two «Athonite» Περὶ πίστων to the textual tradition of Heraclitus «Mythographus» and the Anonymous, who were known by a codex unicus, the Ms. Vaticanus graecus 305.


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Hellas, Hagion Oros, Μονή Ιβήρων, Mss., 1317 (Lambros 5437), 1, 034-35 De incredibilibus capituli 6 anonymi : pars e cod. Vat. gr. 305 (cf. M. Alganza Roldán, p. 79-84 ; Lampros item 6)
Hellas, Hagion Oros, Μονή Ιβήρων, Mss., 1317 (Lambros 5437), 1, 078r-v, item 25 Lampros Eth. 2 (des. mut. εις τρόπαιον), 3 (des. mut. άποδέδωκε δάκρυα) Amato Études sur le manuscrit 67, n. 13