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1020, 1021, 1024 |
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Sigle M |
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Condello and Magnani, 2019, Il ms. Vat. Barb. gr. 69 e lo pseudo-Archiloco (frr.°°327 e °°328 w.2). Testo, contesto e ipotesi attributiva |
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87 |
D'Agostino and Degni, 2020, Considerations on origin and development of the Perlschrift |
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Pérez Martín, 2013, The Reception of Xenophon in Byzantium: The Macedonian Period |
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Sub "Laur. Plut. 55.47" |
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994, n. 41 ; 1006, 1009... 1013, 1023...1026 |
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150 (et n. 80) |
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449 |
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