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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

Among the 3.556 manuscripts preserved in the Biblioteca Bertoliana of Vicenza, one of the oldest and most important libraries in Veneto region, there are three Greek manuscripts - dating back between the 14th and the 17th century - quite neglected sor far (only the very recently published Supplément au Répertoire des Bibliothèques et des Catalogues de manuscrits grecs by Jean-Marie Olivier mentions all of them), and to which no specific study has ever been devoted, albeit their paleographical and codicological interest. Ms. 209, containing the Byzantine triad of Euripides's Tragedies, was probably set up in a Greek-speaking environment in the first half of 14th century, and largely rearranged and restored from the 15th up to the 19th century. Its troubled and complex history can be materially inferred from the re-collation of quires, missing leaves, holes, rips, but also from the notes, drawings and monocondilia by several hands, in which the manuscript is rich in its oldest part. Ms. 508 dates to the 16th century and contains unprecedented Glossae sive Expositiones in Orationes Divi Gregorii Nazianzeni. It was probably a manuscript of private and erudite use, as proved by the dense writing lines and wide margins, packed with notes: the text contains quotations from ancient Greek authors, proving its scribe's interest in theological issues and knowledge of profane literature as well. The major peculiarity of the codex is the bilingualism and digraphism shown in the text, where Greek and Latin are mixed - even in the same word - without an apparent reason. Ms. 598bis is a small manuscript containing a poetic anthology spanning over 2000 years (from Anakreon to Markos Musuros). The calligraphic handwriting shows a strict similarity to that found in coeval printed books. The selection of the texts and their disposition lead us to believe that the scribe used a printed edition as an antigraph, which could have been Henri Estienne's Carminum poetarum novem, lyricae poeseos principum, fragmenta (Geneva, 1560) and Musaios' edition by Aldus Manutius dating to 1517.
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Firenze Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) Plut. 32. 02 41 (n. 31)
Napoli Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III Mss. II F 31 41-42 (n. 31)
Roma Biblioteca Angelica gr. 014 42 (n. 31, suite)
Vicenza Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana Mss. 0508 Tav. 2 (f. 1v) 38, 44-46, Tav. 2
Vicenza Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana Mss. 0598bis Tavv. 3-4 (pp. 77-78 et 87-88) 38, 46-48, Tavv. 3-4
Vicenza Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana Mss. 0209 Tav. 1 (f. 75r) 38-44, Tav. 1


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Italia, Vicenza, Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana, Mss.