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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Abstract: This paper deals with an archeographical analysis of the Greek minuscule manuscript D-227 kept in the collection of the IOM, RAS. The author reviews its present condition and deciphers the inscriptions left on its binding by the staff of the Winter Palace Imperial Library when it was delivered there and notes made by the staff of the Asiatic Museum (forerunner of the IOM). The contents of the parts are established, as is, wherever possible, their numbering. Inscriptions in Greek, including one written by Hierotheos, Patriarch of Antioch (1850–1885), are deciphered and translated. Key words: Greek lectionary, minuscule manuscript, IOM manuscript collection, collection of Gregory IV, Arab Christian manuscripts, parchment codex
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Sankt-Peterburg Институт восточных рукописей Российской Академии Наук (ИВР РАН) Mss. Д 227 (Granstrem 259) Études sur le manuscrit étude codicologique et historique du lectionnaire