Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

The article comprises an analysis of the suggestion by K. A. Panchenko regarding the MS of the Greek lectionary D 227 (currently preserved in the collection of  the IOM RAS), which could originally have contained miniatures of the evangelists. One  of these miniatures might be the miniature of St. Luke, preserved at the Library of the  University of St. Joseph (Beirut). The author examines in detail the sources associated  with Panchenko’s suggestion. They include notes in Arabic in the lectionary and on the  miniature itself, the testimonia from the 19th cent., etc. The author comes to the conclusion as follows: although there are no direct evidence that the miniature from the  Library of the University of St. Joseph did belong to the MS of the lectionary (D 227.),  there is some other evidence, which still may confirm this fact indirectly