Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

This chapter deals with two sequences of epitaphs written after the death of Theodore Gaza (†1475) as preserved in a bifolium currently in MS Vienna, ÖNB, codex 3198 and MS Florence, BNC, Magliabechianus VII, 1195, ff. 117v–118r. After describing the relevant sections of these manuscripts where the sequences are situated (§1), the chapter then examines the collection’s origin and development (§2). Thanks to contextualisation within other numerous early-modern literary collections for notable deceased (§3) and some physical features of the Viennese bifolium, a solution to the riddle is proposed, (§4) along with a promotor for the collection, Demetrios Chalkondyles.