Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Résumé :

This edition project is part of the programme »Edition of Greek and Latin Texts of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages« at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The progress of the project so far has resulted in the definite identification of previously unknown textual witnesses. It has revealed a completely new dimension of textual understanding by considering the way the various paratexts accompanying the main text evolved; it has developed new methods of editing the text; and it has discovered significant points regarding the transmission and reception of the text, including the texts that were transmitted together with it (Überlieferungsgemeinschaften, that is, in multi-text manuscripts). It has also uncovered the positioning of divergent redactorial levels, which is significant in terms of its cross-cultural reception history. Keywords: Byzantine medicine, John Zacharias Aktouarios (c. 1275-1330), manuscript tradition, critical edition, medical paratexts, »burnout therapy«