Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

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W. R. DAWSON, Manuscripta medica. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Medical Society of London, London, 1932

Temoins (12) :

Pays Ville Dépôt Fonds Cote Folios Recension
ou partie
BHG Date lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev.
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 019 81-84v 17 ex. Morborum etymologia, sermone Graeco et Latino ; ff. 85-98v uacua
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 052 145-332v 15 (3/4) Lib. 1, 2, 3, 6 (pars prima), 4, 5
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 052 333r-v 15 med. Excerptum de sudore
Titulus initialis
Πῶς γίνονται οἱ ἱδρῶτες
Ἕπονται δὲ τοῖς πυρετοῖς καὶ ἱδρῶτες
  • Parpulov
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 052 354v-361v 15 med. Ed. Ideler, vol. 1, p.397-408
  • Parpulov
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 052 363v-403 15 Anonymi de uesania ; f. 403v uacuum?
  • Parpulov
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 001-11v 15 (2/2) Libri VII
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 012-19 15 (2/2) Ed. Jouanna 2013 ; sequuntur (f. 19v) remedia manu recentiore
  • Biblio
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 020-45v 15 (2/2) Epitome; praemittitur (ff. 20-21) pinax
Titulus initialis
Πίναξ σὺν Θεῷ τῶν σκευασιῶν τοῦ δυναμεροῦ
Σκευασία τοῦ ναρδίνου μύρου· ἐλαίου πρωτίου
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 046 15 (2/2) Opusculum de natura hominis (quaestiones et responsiones) ; cf. ps.-Galenus, Definitiones medicae
Τί ἔστιν ἄνθρωπος; ἄνρθωπος ἐστί ζῷον θνητόν
καὶ μειοῦται τὸ ζῷον
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 050v-53 15 (2/2)
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 071v 15 (2/2) Lexicon "Syriacum" (reuera Arabum et Graecum), ed. Serikoff 2013 ; f. 72r-v uacuum praeter adnotationes
Titulus initialis
Συριακὰ ὀνόματα βοτανῶν
Ἀσαφέτιδα· ἀλτήλ
λημναίαν σφραγίς· ταμούχημ. Τέλος
United Kingdom London Wellcome Library for the History of Medicine MS.MSL 060 125-138v 15 (2/2) Ed. Capone-Ciollaro 2003 ; in initio (ff. 125-126v) pinax
Α'· πρὸς τὸ γεννῆσαι ταχέως γυναῖκα
Προσ σκώληκα ὀδόντων· καππάρεως φύλλον τὸν ζωμόν ... μετὰ ὕδατος σκεῦος καὶ πέσεται ὁ σκώληξ.
Titulus initialis
Πίναξ ἐκλογῶν τινῶν συνέθετο κεφαλαιοδῶς ὁ μακαριώτατος ἐκεῖνος σοφώτατος λογιώτατος ἀνὴρ ὁ Πεπαγωμένος καὶ ἐν ἰατροῖς ἀριστότατος
  • Biblio