Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

Numéro diktyon : 2446

Type de cote : Actuelle

Titre : Tetraeuangelium; Praxapostolus; Apocalypsis

Remarque : Cat. Krémos 12 ; olim MALESINA, Monê Hagiou Gêorgiou

Auteurs de la notice :

  • Rédigé par : BERON Anne-Élisabeth
  • Vérifié par : MUELLER Darius

Equipe référente :


Identifiants :

Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland minuscules 757
CSNTM numérisation Athèna, EBE, 0150

Bibliographie :


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Hoskier, 1929, Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse: Collations of All Existing Available Greek Documents with the Standard Text of Stephen's Third Edition, Together with the Testimony of Versions, Commentaries and Fathers. A Complete Conspectus of All Authorities Nr. 150 I 513-514
Schmid, 1936, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des griechischen Apokalypsetextes. II: Der K-Text 274, 280
Schmid, 2015, Die Apokalypse, überliefert mit anderen neutestamentlichen Schriften – eapr-Handschriften 433, 436-438
0051 Soden, 1902, Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments in ihrer ältesten erreichbaren Textgestalt hergestellt auf Grund ihrer Textgeschichte δ 304 I,1 109
0052 Gregory, 1900, Textkritik des Neuen Testaments 219, 1110
0063 Aland et al., 1994, Kurzgefaßte Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments 92
0430 Sakkeliōn and Sakkeliōn, 1892, Κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Ἐθνικῆς Βιβλιοθήκης τῆς Ἑλλάδος 29
0436 Buberl, 1917, Die Miniaturenhandschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Athen Nr. 29 25
0437 Delatte, 1926, Les manuscrits à miniatures et à ornements des Bibliothèques d'Athènes Nr. 22 58-61
R(III)0435 Kremos, 1876, Κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς Ἐθνικῆς καὶ τῆς τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου Βιβλιοθήκης Nr. 12 27-34
R(III)0441 Marava-Chatzinicolaou and Toufexi-Paschou, 1985, Catalogue of the Illuminated Byzantine Manuscripts of the National Library of Greece. II. Manuscripts of New Testament Texts 13th-15th Century Nr. 41 176-184


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Malik and Gerke, 2020, Marginalglossen in GA 2323: Edition und Übersetzung 375-415

Études sur la tradition manuscrite

Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Parpulov, 2019, Κr in the Gospels “Hodegon” handwriting. 204 n. 8, 205 n. 11-12, 206 n. 16, 210 n. 40, 211
Schmid, 1936, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des griechischen Apokalypsetextes. I. Der Apokalypsetext des Arethas von Kaisareia und einiger anderer jüngerer Gruppen 51, 54-55
Schmid, 1955, Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Apokalypse-Textes. 1. Teil: Der Apokalypse-Kommentar des Andreas von Kaisareia I,1 88
Schmid, 1955, Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Apokalypse-Textes. 2. Teil. Die alten Stämme 28, 37

Études sur l'œuvre

Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften: Verse und ihre "inschriftliche" Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts 278, 281

Études sur le manuscrit

Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Pérez Martín and Muñoz Martínez, 2009, El Tetraevangelio Escorial y.III.7: un ejemplo de la influencia de la pintura de iconos en la ilustración de códices de época paleóloga 492, 495


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Krause, 2022, Divine Inspiration in Byzantium: Notions of Authenticity in Art and Theology 114 n. 92

Contenu :

Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
1.R Liturgica Varia; Euangelium sec. Matthaeum; Apocalypsis I, 001-22v, 029-30v, 070-70v, 411-412v 15 Papier - The indicated folio-numbers are the ones in the top right corner that are visible only in the CSNTM-viewer and not in the VMR. The manuscript obviously was foliated again in the top right corner after the images of the VMR were taken. Other folio-numbers occur at the bottom of the recto in the middle that are used in the VMR. The manuscript is also paginated at the top in the middle of each page (visible as well in the VMR). - The folio-numbers in the VMR are higher by 1 until the end of John, by 2 from Acts on. - Restoration to both unit 2.A and 3.B.
Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland minuscules 757

Témoins (6)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
I a Liturgica Preces quaedam 15 - The first prayer is barely legible due to a recent restoration.
[...] τιμιωτεραν των χερουβιμ [και] ενδοξοτεραν ασυγκριτως [των] σεραφιμ την αδιαφθορως [θεον λογον] τεκουσαν την οντως [θεοτοκον σε μεγαλυ]νομεν.
I b Capitula librorum biblicorum Capitula recognoscenda 15 - Indication of a pinax to the gospels and to the Praxapostolus, which was never added.
Αρχη συν θεω αγιω, πιναξ του Τετραευαγγελιου, και του Πραξαποστολου.
001 a-19a Liturgica Varia 15 - f. 19r, second column: empty.
019v-22b, 029-30b, 070-70va Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Matthaeum 15 - Restoration for the text missing in unit 2.A. - f. 19v a-20r a quart. 3: chapters for Matt. - f. 20r b: Prologi librorum biblicorum, In Euang.: excerptum ex Irenaeo de quattuor euangeliis "(ἰστέον ὅτι) τέσσαρα... ἐμφανίζει". - Blank pages: f. 20v, 22v, 30v.
411 a-412b Testamentum nouum Apocalypsis Iohannis
  • BHG 0920z
15 - Restoration for the text missing in unit 3.B. - Apoc. 21.9-22.21. - The restored text stems from a different origin (F. 42) than the one in unit 3.B (Complutense/Kr) (Schmid, K-Text 1936, p. 274). - f. 412v: empty.
Titulus finalis
Τελος της Αποκαλυψεως του αγιου Ιωαννου του θεολογου.
Incipit abruptus
[...] επτα αγγελων εχοντων τας επται φιαλας.
Apparatus de capitulis
411 marg. sup.--412marg. dextr. Scholia exegetica biblica Scholia in Apocalypsin ex Andreae commentario excerpta
  • PTB G43001
15 - Restoration for the text missing in unit 3.B.
Την εκκλησιαν δηλονοτι.
Φοβερα η κατα των παραχαρακτων των θειων γραφων καταρα· επει και τολμηρα προπετεια.
Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
2.A Tetraeuangelium cum capitulis, prologis, epigr., subscr., imag.; Praxapostolus 023-28v, 031-69v, 071-394v 14 med. Papier - The indicated folio-numbers are the ones in the top right corner that are visible only in the CSNTM-viewer and not in the VMR. The manuscript obviously was foliated again in the top right corner after the images of the VMR were taken. Other folio-numbers occur at the bottom of the recto in the middle that are used in the VMR. The manuscript is also paginated at the top in the middle of each page (visible as well in the VMR). - The folio-numbers in the VMR are higher by 1 until the end of John, by 2 from Acts on.
Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland minuscules 757

Témoins (4)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
023-28v, 031-69v, 071-208v Testamentum nouum Euangelia IV (tetraeuangelium) 14 med. - With chapters and other paratexts (Mark with chapters only). - Blank pages: f. 107r, 165r. - Fragmentary pages: f. 46r-58v. - Images: f. 72v (Mark), 107v (Luke), 165v (John). - These images were added later, cf. f. 72v, where below the image of Mark writing becomes visible again. Cf. Marava-Chatzinicolaou and Toufexi-Paschou 1985, p. 184; Parpulov 2019, p. 205 n. 11.
Incipit abruptus
Και χρηματισθεντες κατ΄ οναρ μη ανακαμψαι προς Ηρωδην.
209-262 Testamentum nouum Actus Apostolorum
  • BHG 0149z
14 med. - No paratexts. - The foliation on the bottom of the page marks the last folio of John as 209 and the first folio of Acts as 211, so one folio got lost before the foliation in the top right corner took place which states the respective folios as 208 and 209.
262-286v Testamentum nouum Epistulae Catholicae 14 med. - With prologues. - Images: f. 262r (Jacob), 267v (Peter), 285r (Jude); John was never added, though. - These images were added later. Cf. Marava-Chatzinicolaou and Toufexi-Paschou 1985, p. 184; Parpulov 2019, p. 205 n. 11.
286v-394 Testamentum nouum Epistulae Pauli 14 med. - With prologues except for Philippians. - Ephesians only 1.1-4.28, then one (?) leaf is lost between f. 348 and 349. This is also the explanation for the missing prologue of Philippians. - Image of Paul (f. 287v). - This image was added later. Cf. Marava-Chatzinicolaou and Toufexi-Paschou 1985, p. 184; Parpulov 2019, p. 205 n. 11. - f. 394v: empty.
Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
3.B Apocalypsis 395-410v 14 Papier - The indicated folio-numbers are the ones in the top right corner that are visible only in the CSNTM-viewer and not in the VMR. The manuscript obviously was foliated again in the top right corner after the images of the VMR were taken. Other folio-numbers occur at the bottom of the recto in the middle that are used in the VMR. The manuscript is also paginated at the top in the middle of each page (visible as well in the VMR). - The folio-numbers in the VMR are higher by 2.
Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland minuscules 757

Témoins (2)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
395-410v Testamentum nouum Apocalypsis Iohannis
  • BHG 0920z
14 - Apoc. 1.1-21.9. - The text in this unit comes from the group Complutense/Kr; it is restored by 1.R with a text from F. 42 (Schmid, K-Text 1936, p. 274).
Titulus initialis
Αποκαλυψις του αγιου Ιωαννου του αποστολου και ευαγγελιστου θεολογου.
Desinit abruptus
Και ηλθεν εις εκ των [...].
Apparatus de capitulis
Capitula in marginibus
Capitula in textu
395 marg. dextr.--410vmarg. sin. Scholia exegetica biblica Scholia in Apocalypsin ex Andreae commentario excerpta
  • PTB G43001
14 - Schmid 1955, I,1, p. 88, on the other hand, argues that the glosses are written by a later hand.
Αποκαλυψις η των κρυπτων μυστ[η]ριων δηλωσις καταυγαζομενου του ηγεμονικου.
Γαρ αξια [τ]α παθηματα.