Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

Numéro diktyon : 57104

Type de cote : Actuelle

Titre : Tetraeuangelium Petropolitanum

Remarque : Cat. Aland Π.041

Auteurs de la notice :

  • Rédigé par : SCHMID Ulrich
  • Vérifié par : LORRAIN Agnès

Equipe référente :


Copistes, possesseurs & autres :

Nom Siècle Dates Remarque Nature de la relation Folios Commentaire IRHT – Personnes
Ἐμμανουὴλ Παρόδου 19 fl. 1859 from Smyrna possesseur flyleaf Παρὰ Ἐμμανουὴλ Παρόδου Σμυρναίου, 11. Σεπτ. 1859 Κ. Τισχενδ.
  • 108652

Identifiants :

Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland majuscules 041 = Π.041
RNB numer. Gr. 34

Bibliographie :


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
0052 Gregory, 1900, Textkritik des Neuen Testaments 92
2105a Lebedeva et al., 2014, Каталог греческих рукописей Российской национальной библиотеки [Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale russe]
2109 Muralt, 1864, Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque impériale publique (avec 9 planches lithographiées) 21
R(III)0327 Treu, 1966, Die griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments in der UdSSR. Eine systematische Auswertung der Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Moskau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Erevan 43-45
R(III)2090 Granstrem, 1959, Каталог греческих рукописей ленинградских хранилищ 237

Études sur le manuscrit

Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Maxwell, 2021, Dating Middle Byzantine Gospel Books: The Gospels of Dionysios and Paris. Gr. 63 319 n. 48 et 50, 321-322


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
Dobrynina, 2018, Colophons and Running Titles. On New Terminology in Describing Greek Manuscripts of the Ninth-Tenth Centuries
Elliott, 2015, A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts. Third Edition 95-96
Lafleur, 2013, La Famille 13 dans l'évangile de Marc 162
Parpulov, 2015, The codicology of ninth-century Greek manuscripts 166 n. 11
Patton, 2024, A Disordered Genealogy and a New Family of Greek New Testament Manuscripts 418 (n. 33)
0287q Dobrynina, 2013, Сводный каталог греческих иллюминированных рукописей в российских хранилищах. Т. 1, Рукописи IX-X вв. в Государственном историческом музее, ч. 1 22 (et n. 44)

Contenu :

Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
1.A Tetraeuangelium cum capitulis 001-161, 163-349 09 Parchemin - an inside cover and two paper fly leaves are visible in the beginning, a paste board and perhaps one fly leaf is visible in the end; - the reproduction in the VMR appears to be complete, save for the verso of the flyleaf in the end; - f. 273v is empty, it appears to have contained some text that has washed out (palimpsest?) in minuscule writing as, perhaps, also f. 274r; - since the Eusebian apparatus is present, one would assume that an initial quire with the canon tables was originally present; - several folios (batches of 2-3) are missing, resulting in a loss of Matth. 3,12-4,17 (after f. 6); 19,12-20,2 (after f. 58); Luc. 1,76-2,18 (after f. 170); Ioh. 6,15-35 (after f. 295); 8,6-39 (after f. 303); 9,21-10,3 (after f. 307); - one folio containing the end of the capitula for Mark is missing after f. 98; - f. 274v (end of the Capitula to John) displays traces of a full page decorative frame that could have been the result of an offprint from a Gospel writer miniature originally located on the following recto, but now missing; - on the lower end of f. 178 (parts of) 7 lines have been torn out and were replaced in the 18th c.
Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
Aland majuscules 041 = Π.041

Témoins (7)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
001-97v Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Matthaeum 09
Titulus initialis
Titulus finalis
098-98v Capitula librorum biblicorum In Marc.: capitula 09
Desinit abruptus
λϛʹ περι του αμπελωνος.
099-161v Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Marcum 09 See 2.R
Titulus initialis
Desinit abruptus
χειρας επιθησουσι. και καλως [...]
163-164v Capitula librorum biblicorum In Luc.: capitula 09
πγʹ περι Κλεοπα
165-273 Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Lucam 09 f. 273v is empty
Titulus initialis
Titulus finalis
274-274v Capitula librorum biblicorum In Ioh.: capitula 09
ιηʹ περι της αιτησεως του κυριακου σωματος
275-349v Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Iohannem 09 See 2.R
Titulus initialis
Desinit abruptus
τι προς σε [...]
Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
2.R Euang. Marc. et Ioh. (rest.) 162, 350 12 Parchemin - two folios have been supplemented, one at the end of the Gospel of Mark and one at the Gospel of John; - for the first folio a palimpsested leaf has been used, see, UC 3.P; - the biblical text on both folios is written by the same hand; - on f. 349v the restaurator retraced about 18 lines that seem to have become hardly legible; - the restaurator may have occasionally also retraced letters on other pages, e.g. f. 275r (beginning of John)

Témoins (2)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
162 Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Marcum 12 f. 162v has not been used by the copyist, see 3.P
Incipit abruptus
[...] εξουσιν
Titulus finalis
350 Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Iohannem 12 f. 350v has not been used by the copyist
Incipit abruptus
[...] συ ακολουθει μοι
Titulus finalis
Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
3.P Lectionarium ? 162 12 ? Parchemin - The folio shows clear traces of it containing a liturgical reading list; since the recto appears to have been partially washed off and trimmed such that the list gives the impression of having been prior, one may assume that a leaf from another manuscript has been reused for the supplement; since the hand that has written the biblical text is dated to the 12th c. and provided the liturgical reading list indeed prior, it can not be later, however, it does not appear to be much older either.


Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
Numéro Titre Folios Siècle Date Support Principal Remarque Copistes, Possesseurs & Autres Révision
4.R Euang. Luc. (rest.) 178 18 Papier On the lower end of the folio (parts of) 7 lines have been torn out and were replaced in the 18th c.

Témoins (1)

Folios Auteur (Rôle) Oeuvre Identifiant Recension
ou partie
Auteur de la recension (Rôle) BHG Date Lit. Siècle Date Commentaire Contenu Rev. Biblio.
178, 178v Testamentum nouum Euangelium sec. Lucam 18