Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

Bibliographie :


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
0750 , Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps
0753 , Catalogue 77. A Selection of Extremely Rare and Important Books and Ancients Manuscripts offered for Sale by William H. Robinson Ltd.
0754 , Catalogue 81. A Selection of Precious Manuscripts, Historic Documents and Rare Books, the Majority from the renowned Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps Bt. (1792-1872), offered for Sale by William H. Robinson Ltd.
0755 , Miscellaneous Catalogue N° 82 in Two Parts. I. Printed Books. II. Manuscripts and Autograph Letters offered for Sale by William H. Robinson Ltd.
0756 , Catalogue 83. Rare Books and Manuscripts offered for Sale by Wiilliam H. Robinson Ltd.
0757 , Catalogue 84. Miscellaneous Old Books and Manuscripts offered for Sale by William H. Robinson Ltd.
0758 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). New Series: First Part. The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust... Days of Sale : Monday, 28th June 1965, Tuesday, 29th June, 1965... Sotheby and Co.
0759 , Bibliotheca Phillipppica. Medieval Manuscripts: New Series: First Part. Catalogue of the Thirty-Nine Manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust... Day of Sale: Tuesday, 30 November 1965..., Sotheby and Co...
0760 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Medieval Manuscripts: New Series: Part II. Catalogue of Forty-Four Manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th Century from the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Tuesday, 29 November 1966…, Sotheby and Co…
0761 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). New Series: Third Part. The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Monday, 26th June, 1967…, Sotheby and Co…
0762 , Bibliotheca Phillippippica. Medieval Manuscripts. New Series: Third Part. Catalogue of Forty-Two Manuscripts of the 7th to the 17th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Tuesday 28th November 1967…, Sotheby and Co…
0763 , Bibliotheca Phillippippica. Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). New Series: Fourth Part. The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Tuesday, 25th June, 1968…, Sotheby and Co…
0764 , Bibliotheca Phillippippica. Medieval Manuscripts: New Series: Fifth Part. Catalogue of Manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper of the 13th century B.C. to the 18th century A. D. from the celebrated collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Tuesday 25th November 1969…, Sotheby and Co…
0765 , Bibliotheca Phillippippica. Medieval Manuscripts: New Series: Sixth Part. Catalogue of Manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper of the 7th century to the 18th century from the celebrated collection of Manuscripts formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale: Tuesday, 30th November 1971…, Sotheby and Co…
0767 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of Italian and Greek Manuscripts and English Charters. From the celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). New Series : Eight Part. The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Tuesday, 4th July, 1972..., Sotheby and Co... 7-23, 25-26
0768 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Medieval Manuscripts : New Series : Seventh Part. Catalogue of Manuscripts on vellum, paper and linen of the 3rd century B. C. to the 17th century A. D. from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Tuesday, 21st November, 1972..., Sotheby and Co... 45-48, 106-109 et pl. 12
0769 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue of French, Spanish and Greek Manuscripts and English Charters. From the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). New Series : Ninth Part. The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Monday, 25th June, 1973, Tuesday 26th June, 1973…, Sotheby and Co… 1-14
0770 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Medieval Manuscripts : New Series : Eighth Part. Catalogue of Manuscripts on vellum, paper and papyrus of the 4th to the 17th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Wednesday, 28th November 1973 …, Sotheby and Co… 34-36, 52-53, 92-93, 124-125 et pll. 11-12, 34-35
0772 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. New Series : Fourteenth Part. Catalogue of Italian, Greek, Russian, Polish and Lithuanian Manuscripts. From the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Tuesday, 8th July, 1975… Sotheby and Co… 5-16
0773 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Medieval Manuscripts : New Series : Tenth Part. Catalogue of Manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Wednesday, 26th November 1975… , Sotheby and Co… 4-6, 25-26 et pl. 3, 9, 10
0774 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. New Series : Sixteenth Part. Catalogue of French, Spanish, Greek and Serbo-Croat Manuscripts with a few Slavonic and Portuguese from the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Monday, 28th June, 1976…, Sotheby and Co… 5-9
0775 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. New Series : Nineteenth Part. Catalogue of English, French, Greek and Icelandic Manuscripts from the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. (1792-1872). The Property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Day of Sale : Monday, 27th June, 1977, Tuesday, 28th June, 1977…, Sotheby and Co… 83-94
0776 , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Manuscripts on vellum and paper from the 9th to the 18th centuries. From the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. The Final Selection [H. P. Kraus, New York, Catalogue 153] 10, 14, 18-20, 33, 44, 76, 83, 89-92, 94, 96-97, 100, 106, 111, 113-114, 121-136 (pll.)


Répertoire Titre Commentaires Tome Pages
0752 Munby, 1960, The Dispersal of the Phillipps Library
0764a , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue... New Series : Sixth Part... Day of Sale: Monday, 15th June 1970 (Lots 1159-1244), Tuesday, 16th June 1970 (Lots 1245-1374)
0774a , Bibliotheca Phillippica. Catalogue... New Series : Eleventh Part... Day of Sale: Tuesday, 30th November 1976)

Cotes :

Référence Cote catalogue Remarque Répertoires & numéros Type Cotes/Contenus lié(e)s
00852 [mss dispersés]
00890 [mss dispersés]
00967 [mss dispersés]
00980 [mss dispersés] (i1924)
01284 [mss dispersés]
01370 [mss dispersés]