Pinakes | Πίνακες

Textes et manuscrits grecs

Lien :  | 

Siècle : 13

Date : 1230 ca-1297

Formes équivalentes :

  • Beccos
  • Iōannēs Bekkos
  • Iohannes Cpl. ptr. XI
  • Jean XI, patriarche de Constantinople
  • Joannes XI Veccus
  • Veccos
  • Vekkos
  • Ἰωάννης Βέκκος
  • ὁ Βέκκος

Identifiants :

Répertoire Numéro Url Remarque
ODB John XI Bekkos
TLG 3137
PLP 2548
Fedalto 1.1.2 Constantinopolis
Krumbacher 029
IRHT – Personnes 106184
Pinakes - copiste/possesseur 5451

Oeuvres :

Titre Rôle Ordo Remarque TLG RAP Mots clefs
Ad Constantinum libri quatuor This work, addressed to Constantine (Meliteniotes?), was evidently written after the condamnation of 1285, since it mentions and criticizes the Tomos of Gregory II. PG 141, 337-356 (I), 356-372 (II), 372-384 (III), 384-396 (IV)
  • 3137.006
  • G20736
  • Épistolographie
  • γραφή (graphe)
  • Filioque
Epistula ad Agallianum This letter deals with the issue of the Filioque; it was written by Bekkos after his condemnation and exile of 1285. PG 141, 276-281
  • 3137.003
  • G20724
  • Épistolographie
  • ἐπιστολή (epistole)
  • Filioque
Opera 0005
De unione ecclesiarum 0010 This work was composed by Bekkos when he was patriarch of Constantinople (1275-1282), to sustain and promote the union of the Churches that was in effect at the time. PG 141, 16-157
  • 3137.001
  • G4293
  • Traité théologique
  • Schisme
  • Union
  • Filioque
Aduersus eos qui dictum sancti Cyrilli proponunt 0020 Leo Allatius printend this work as the twelfth chapter of the "De processione Spiritus Sancti" by the same author, but in fact it constitutes an independent work. PG 141, 249-276
  • 3137.002
  • G20638
  • Traité théologique
  • Schisme
  • Autorités textuelles
  • Union
  • λόγος (logos)
  • Filioque
Apologia 0030 As suggested by Laurent and Darrouzès, this oration was very likely composed during Bekkos' patriarchate. PG 141, 1009-1020
  • 3137.016
  • G641
  • Traité théologique
  • Rhétorique
  • Schisme
  • Union
  • ἀπολογία (apologia)
  • Filioque
  • ἀπόλογος (apologos)
De pace ecclesiastica 0040 Two different redactions of this text are preserved, the first one written while Bekkos was patriarch of Constantinople, and the second one after his deposition. Bekkos says that this writing, which is an historical demonstration on the necessity of Church union, is the first half of a two-parts demonstration: the second one, dedicated to the theological argumentation, is the "De processione Spiritus Sancti". PG 141, 925-942 (partial edition)
  • 3137.012
  • G3415
  • Schisme
  • Union
  • Histoire du schisme
De processione Spiritus Sancti 0050 This work, composed by 11 chapters, was conceived by the author as the second half of a two-parts demonstration, the first one being the "De pace ecclesiastica". Leo Allatius, and therefore Migne in the PG, printed as the 12th chapter what constitutes instead an independent writing, the "Adversus eos qui dictum". PG 141, 157-249
  • 3137.002
  • G3642
  • Traité théologique
  • Schisme
  • Autorités textuelles
  • Union
  • Filioque
Ad Sugdeae episcopum Theodorum libri tres 0055 Three letters addressed to Theodore, bishop of Sogdia, on the subject of the union of the Curches. Laurent and Darrouzès date them from 1274 to 1276. PG 141, 289-309 (I), 309-324 (II), 324-337 (III)
  • 3137.005
  • G20723
  • Épistolographie
  • Schisme
  • Union
  • Histoire du schisme
  • ἐπιστολή (epistole)
  • γραφή (graphe)
  • Filioque
Aduersus Andronici Camateri animaduersiones 0060 This work, written by John Bekkos during his patriarchate, was partially rewritten and abridged after the destitution and condemnation of the author, as asserted by Bekkos himself in the "De libris suis". Both recensions are preserved by the manuscript tradition and they have the same title and same incipit. PG 141, 395-614 (partial edition).
  • 3137.007
  • G20640
  • Traité théologique
  • Autorités textuelles
  • Union
  • Réfutation
  • Florilège
  • ἀντιρρητικός (antirrhetikos)
  • Filioque
Refutationes syllogismorum Camateri 0070 This work has not been published yet. It presents the refutation of the syllogisms against the Latin doctrine on the procession of the Holy Spirit contained in the first part of the Sacred Arsenal by Andronicus Kamateros.
  • G12024
  • Syllogisme
  • Autorités textuelles
  • Réfutation
  • Filioque
  • ἀντίρρησις (antirrhesis)
Refutatio syllogismorum uariorum auctorum 0080 This work is still unpublished. It is structured as a sequence of thirty syllogismoi, extracted from different authors and numbered from α' to λ' ; after each syllogismos follows the respective refutation (antirrhesis).
  • G20639
  • Syllogisme
  • Autorités textuelles
  • Filioque
  • ἀντίρρησις (antirrhesis)
Refutatio Photiani libri de Sancto Spiritu 0090 This text consists of a series of excerpts from ps.-Photius' Mystagogy (keimenon), each of them followed by the respective refutation (antirrhesis). PG 141, 728-864 (ed.: D. J. Hergenroether).
  • 3137.009
  • G12020
  • Traité théologique
  • Union
  • Réfutation
  • ἀντιρρητικός (antirrhetikos)
  • Filioque
Refutatio capitulorum Georgii Moschampar 0100 This text is unpublished. The title defines it as the refutation of some 'chapters without title'; however, the excerpts cited by Bekkos - each of whom is followed by the respective reply (apantesis) - can be identified as passages of the Capita antirrhetica contra Beccum by George Moschampar.
  • G20631
  • Traité théologique
  • Union
  • Réfutation
  • ἀντιρρητικός (antirrhetikos)
  • Filioque
Epigraphae 0110 PG 141, 613-724
  • 3137.008
  • G5439
  • Florilège
  • Filioque
  • ἐπιγραφαί (epigraphae)
Florilegium patristicum de processione Spiritus Sancti Auteur supposé (tradition manuscrite) 0120 This florilegium is still unpublished.
  • G6490
  • Florilège
  • Filioque
  • συναγωγή (synagoge)
Refutatio libri Georgii Cyprii 0130
Epistulae 0140
De depositione sua oratio I 0150 This text, addressed to the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch, is probably to be identified with the letter written between January 1283 and February 1284 from Bursa, during his first exile, asking for a new and more fair trial (Ragia 2016). Metochites and Meliteniotes refer to it as an encyclical letter. PG 141, 949-970
  • 3137.014
  • G2417
  • Acte officiel
  • Union
  • Filioque
  • ἀπόλογος (apologos)
De depositione sua oratio II 0160 PG 141, 969-1010
  • 3137.015
  • G20621
  • Traité théologique
  • Schisme
  • Union
  • ἀντιρρητικός (antirrhetikos)
  • Filioque
  • λόγος ἀπολογητικός (logos apologetikos)
Testamentum 0170 PG 141, 1027-1032 (partial edition)
  • 3137.019
  • G12790
  • Filioque
  • Testament
  • διαθήκη (diatheke)
De libris suis 0180 The incipit of this text suggests that it was conceived as a letter sent to his friend, Theodore, along with an autograph manuscript that contained a revised version of some of the works composed during the patriarchate. PG 141, 1019-1028
  • 3137.017
  • G3062
  • Épistolographie
  • Union
  • Filioque
  • ἐπισημείωσις (episemeiosis)
Sententia synodalis 0200
De gradibus consanguinitatis 0210
De ordine Trinitatis personarum 0220
De sancto synodo quae Photium restituit 0230