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Textes et manuscrits grecs

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Catalogues :

Numéro de répertoire Remarque
0331 K. W. CLARK, A Descriptive Catalogue of Greek New Testament Manuscripts in America, Chicago, 1937
Villes Dépôts Fonds Cotes Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Amherst (MA) College Library Mss. MS L4 Catalogues 1-2
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 004 Catalogues 275
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 006 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 007 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 008 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 009 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 012 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 013 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 015 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 016 Catalogues
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 018 Catalogues 285-286
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 019 Catalogues 286-287
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 021 Catalogues 289-291
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 022
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 023 A
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 023 B
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 024
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 025
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 026
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 027
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 028
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 029
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 030
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 031
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 032
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 033
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 034
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 035
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 037
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 039
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 043
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 049
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 067
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 069
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 076
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 080
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 083
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 097
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 099
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 100
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 124
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 130
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 133
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 151
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 171
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 173
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 182
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library MS 196
Austin (TX) University Library, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection Mss. HRC 24 Catalogues 343-344
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 520 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 522 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 523 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 524 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 525 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 526 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 527 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 528 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 529 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 530a Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 530b Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 530c Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 530d-e Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 530f-g Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 531 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 532 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 533 Catalogues
Baltimore (MD) Walters Art Museum Mss. W 535 Catalogues
Boston (MA) Congregational Library Mss. Pratt 115 Catalogues 27-28
Boston (MA) Museum of Fine Arts Mss. 19.118 Catalogues 8, 140
Cambridge (MA) Andover-Harvard Theological Library Mss. BS 2551.A4.E93.1000 Catalogues 2-4
Chicago (IL) Coll. Harold R. Willoughby Mss. 2 Catalogues
Chicago (IL) Coll. Harold R. Willoughby Mss. 3 Catalogues
Chicago (IL) Lutheran School of Theology, Jesuit-Krauss-McCormick Library Mss. Gruber 044 N° 44 90-91; pl. XVII
Chicago (IL) Lutheran School of Theology, Jesuit-Krauss-McCormick Library Mss. Gruber 119 + 120 + 54 98-99; pl. XXI
Chicago (IL) Newberry Library Mss. 023836 145-147
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0046
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0050
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0125
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0126
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0128
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0129 231-233
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0130
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0131
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0132
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0133
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0134
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0135
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0136
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0137
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0138
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0141
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0142
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0166
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0702
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0715
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0727
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0828
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0879
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0902
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0922
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0931 Catalogues 126-130
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0943
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0965 Catalogues 187-193
Chicago (IL) University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library Mss. 0972
Cleveland (OH) Coll. Otto F. Ege Mss. Sans cote p. 59
Dallas (TX) Southern Methodist Univ. Bridwell Library Mss. Sans cote Catalogues 30-31
Drama Μονή Κοσινίτσης Mss. 003 (3P) Catalogues sous la cote Gruber 152 cf. cote ancienne 104-106
Durham (NC) Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mss. K. W. Clark collection, MS. 001
Durham (NC) Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mss. K. W. Clark collection, MS. 002
Durham (NC) Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mss. K. W. Clark collection, MS. 003
Durham (NC) Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library Mss. K. W. Clark collection, MS. 004
Montréal Diocesan Theological College Mss. MS A 32
Montréal Diocesan Theological College Mss. MS B 32
Montréal McGill University Library Mss. MS Greek 08 138
Montréal Museum of Fine Arts Mss. acc. 33.1373 Catalogues 8, 140
New York (NY) General Theological Seminary Mss. 4 Catalogues
New York (NY) The Morgan Library & Museum MS M.745 167
New York (NY) New York Public Library (NYPL) MA 102
New York (NY) New York Public Library (NYPL) MA 103
Princeton (NJ) Princeton University Art Museum Mss. y1910-23 Décrit comme MS No. 1023 180
Princeton (NJ) Princeton University Art Museum Mss. y1930-20 180-181
Princeton (NJ) Princeton University Art Museum Mss. y1935-70 Décrit comme MS 1 179-180 ; pl. XXXIV
Princeton (NJ) Princeton University Art Museum Mss. y1936-11 181
Princeton (NJ) Scheide Library Mss. Scheide M 001 196-197
Princeton (NJ) Scheide Library Mss. Scheide M 002 197-200
Princeton (NJ) Theological Seminary Library Mss. MS. 11.21.1900 175-176
Princeton (NJ) University Library Garrett MS. 04 Catalogues 68-69; pl. IX
Princeton (NJ) University Library Princeton MS. 005 Sous la cote "Treasure Room 5148.1250q" 182-183
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1906.274 (Ricci 3) 201-205
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1906.275 (Ricci 4)
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1906.297-298 (Ricci 3)
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1909.154 (Ricci 8)
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1909.1683 (Ricci 7)
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1909.1684 (Ricci 9)
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1909.1685-1689 (Ricci 11) p. 208-209
Williamstown (MA) Williams College, The Chapin Library Mss. de Ricci 1
Williamstown (MA) Williams College, The Chapin Library Mss. de Ricci 2 23-25
Montréal McGill University Library Mss. MS Greek 09 137
Washington (DC) Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art Mss. F1933.12
Allentown (PA) Muhlenberg College Trexler Library Robert C. Horn Papyri Collection Pap. 1227 (theol. 3) 139
Berkeley (CA) Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology Palest. Inst. Pap. 2 148
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library Papyrological Collection Inv. Nr. 1570 334-335
Ann Arbor (MI) University of Michigan Library Papyrological Collection Inv. Nr. 6652 340
New York (NY) Metropolitan Museum of Art Department of Egyptian Art Inv. 14.1.527 135-136


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
United States of America, Brooklyn (NY), Library of W. Eames Les 4 manuscrits de cette collection ont été transférés à New York, Public library, où ils sont cotés 125-128 Catalogues Décrit 4 mss, aujourd'hui dans la NY Public Library, cotés mss 125-128 57-58


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
United States of America, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan Library, MS Catalogues Codd. 4, 6-9, 12, 13, 15-22, 23A, 23B, 24-35, 37, 39, 43, 49, 67, 69, 76, 80, 83, 97, 99, 100, 124, 130, 133, 151, 171, 173, 182 et 196 275-234
United States of America, Austin (TX), University Library, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection, Mss. 343-344
United States of America, Baltimore (MD), Walters Art Museum, Mss. Catalogues Codd. 520, 522-533, 535 347-371
United States of America, Buckland (MA), Coll. S. Br. Pratt, Mss. Catalogues Signale que les ff. de l'évangéliaire sont à Boston (Congr. House 115) e que le fgt. est égaré 173
United States of America, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS. Gr. Catalogues 107-115
United States of America, Chicago (IL), Coll. Harold R. Willoughby, Mss. Catalogues 372-373
United States of America, Chicago (IL), Newberry Library, Mss. Catalogues 145-147
United States of America, Chicago (IL), Chicago Theological Seminary, Mss. Catalogues 184-186
United States of America, Chicago (IL), University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library, Mss. Catalogues 223-272
United States of America, Cleveland (OH), Coll. Otto F. Ege, Mss. Catalogues 59
United States of America, Durham (NC), Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Mss. Catalogues 51-56
United States of America, New York (NY), Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton MS Catalogues 23-26
United States of America, New York (NY), General Theological Seminary, Mss. Catalogues mss. 1-6 80-89
United States of America, New York (NY), New York Public Library (NYPL), MA Catalogues codd. 102, 103 141-144
United States of America, Syracuse (NY), University Library, Mss. 216-217
United States of America, Washington (DC), Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Mss. Catalogues 201-209
United States of America, Williamstown (MA), Williams College, The Chapin Library, Mss. Catalogues 17-22
Canada, Toronto, University of Toronto Art Centre, The Malcove Collection, MS Catalogues 345-346
United States of America, Washington (DC), Coll. du Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, Mss. 214-215