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Résumé :

This article once again raises the problem of the authenticity of the sixth homily of the homiletic corpus of St. Proclus of Constantinople, whose traditional title is: «Praise of the Mother of God». Due to the fact that previous researchers, when voicing arguments against the authenticity of the work, relied only on the external (formal) details of this homily, taking into account only the textology of the monument and its genre peculiarities, it became necessary to consider their criticisms in the context of comparing them with the internal evidence of the monument (content, structure, theme, stylistics, and other important substantive details of the text). Thus, the present article, on the one hand, highlights in detail the problems of the argumentation base of the proponents who consider this homily not to be St. Proclus, and, on the other hand, offers its own explanations for the so-called «problematic places» of the homily, based on a comparative analysis of the internal and external evidence of the text. As a conclusion of the present article, the thesis is voiced about the integrity in terms of content, composition, theme, stylistics and rhetorical devices used in the «Praise of the Mother of God», as well as its belonging to one author. Keywords: St. Proclus of Constantinople, sermon, sixth homily, Encomium to the Blessed Virgin Mary, homily «On the Annunciation», problem of authorship, attribution.


Nom Remarque Type Commentaire Tome Pages
Proclus Cpl. ptr., Hom 6 : Laudatio Deiparae PG 65, 721-757 Études sur l'œuvre