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male legitur ο θεος σωση τον κ(ωνσταν)τι(νον) (Κωνσταντινον) παταμηνεν (?) ... κρησεως και μη την (?) διακονιαν αυτου οτι καλον εποιησεν εις τουτο Textus
Marci finis Textus
Marcus euangelista dei et Petri in baptismate filius atque in diuino sermone discipulus, sacerdotium "in Israel" agens secundum carnem leuita Incipit
Mark seated, blessing, holding codex; stool, footstool; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding codex, raising his pen; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, scrolls; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; knives, jug PTB_info
Mark seated, holding open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens; ornamented frame (Pl. 12) PTB_info
Mark seated, holding open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding open codex, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, shelf; inkwell with pen-box PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; bottle; calf; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box and lid; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented fram PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen and open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers, blade(?); curtain; ornamented frame; verse epigram PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen and parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, lunellum, sponge, scrolls, bottle PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, holding parchment leaf; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, resting; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, pen, knife, bottle (Pl. 26) PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, resting; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, callipers; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame; verse epigram (Pl. 72) PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum; building PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, lunellum, callipers; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; dove whispering in his ear; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum; architectural frame, ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk with padlock, lectern; pen-box, knife with sheath(?), callipers, parchment leaf; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pumice, callipers; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, lunella, sponges, jug, clam-shell(?); ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, string with clips, pumice PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pens, knives, awl, callipers, sponge, pumice, scrolls; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; knife, callipers, chain with clips; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk; ink-cup, pen, knife, bottle; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, bottle; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell, pen-holder, pen, callipers, sponge, bottle; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell, pen-holder PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pens; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, bottle; buildings; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, awl, callipers, scissors, pumice, ewer, bottles, codices; lion PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knife, awl, callipers, scrolls, bottle PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knife, scroll, bottle PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knives, callipers, sponge, pumice, bottle; ornamented frame (Pl. 45) PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen(?), thinking; dove whispering in his ear; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding pen(?), thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern PTB_info
Mark seated, holding quire, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding scroll, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, holding unfurled scroll, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern PTB_info
Mark seated, holding unfurled scroll, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, parchment leaf, bottle, keys on key-ring, lamp; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell, parchment leaf; curtain PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pen-box, bottle; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame, ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, double lectern; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk-lectern PTB_url
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, codices, bottle; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented fram PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; calf; Baptism; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, awl, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottles; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen, raising his hand; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame added s. XV PTB_info
Mark seated, inking his pen; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ox; verse epigram PTB_info
Mark seated, raising his pen, holding codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern, lamp; inkwells with pen-boxes, callipers, pumices, bottle PTB_info
Mark seated, raising his pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, table; inkwell; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, raising his pen(?), touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; bottle; building PTB_info
Mark seated, resting, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; pen-box, pen; Hand of God PTB_info
Mark seated, resting, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, resting(?), touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building; Baptism; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, speaking, holding pen; chair, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; pen-box with pens, glass with red ink, knives, callipers, sponge, chain with clips, scroll, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, speaking, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box PTB_info
Mark seated, thinking, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk with lock; inkwell, pen, sponge(?), parchment leaf; ornamented frame (Pl. 29) PTB_info
Mark seated, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, touching his lectern with both hands; stool, footstool; wall, columns, curtain PTB_info
Mark seated, touching his lectern, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building PTB_info
Mark seated, touching his lectern, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, clips, pumice; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, touching his lectern, speaking; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, callipers, sponge, napkin, scroll(?), bottle; building; Hand of God PTB_info
Mark seated, writing, holding knife; stool, footstool, lectern PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, fork, lunellum, sponge, pumice, scroll; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, callipers, clip, pumice, scrolls, bottle; building (Pl. 76) PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottle; calf PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; buildings PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, table, lectern, lamp-hanger; lamp; Hand of God; building PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool; lion; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk with lock, lectern, lamp-hanger; inkwell with pen-box, knives, callipers, scroll, parchment leaf, bottle, lamp; wall PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern, lamp; scroll, bottle; buildings; calf; architectural frame (Pl. 58) PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, chain with clips, bottle(?) or jug(?); buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottles; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, napkin; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, marble desk, lectern; parchment leaf, jug; building PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, callipers, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottle; curtain; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark seated, writing; throne, footstool; lion PTB_info
Mark seated; stool, footstool, desk(?), lectern(?) PTB_info
Mark standing PTB_info
Mark standing on footstool, holding codex; architectural frame PTB_info
Mark standing, holding codex PTB_info
Mark standing, holding codex; ornamented frame PTB_info
Mark standing, holding codex; trees PTB_info
Mark standing, holding open codex PTB_info
Mark standing, reading from codex PTB_url
Matth. tantum; passim. Titulus currens
Matthaeus cum primo praedicasset euangelium in Iudaea, uolens transire ad gentes, primus euangelium scripsit hebraice Incipit
Matthaeus ex Iudaea sicut in ordine primus ponitur Incipit
Mattheus ex Iudaea sicut in ordine primus ponitur, ita euangelium in iudaea primus scripsit. Cuius uocatio ad deum ex publicanis actibus fuit. Incipit
Matthew (repainted) seated, touching his lectern with both hands; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding codex, touching his writing-table; stool, footstool; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding codex, touching his lectern; stool, desk; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, box(?), parchment leaf, codex, bottle; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding open codex, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding open codex, thinking; chair, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, callipers; ornamented frame (Pl. 44) PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk (partly restored with a new patch of parchment); buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, lunella, pumices, chain with clip, jug PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen and parchment leaf, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk with keyhole; inkwell with pen-box, pen, callipers, fork(?), blade(?), pumice; curtain; ornamented frame; verse epigram PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lecterns; scrolls, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers, ruler, sponge, napkin, bottles; building; Christ blessing from heaven PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, pumice, callipers, scrolls, bottle (Pl. 25) PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, pens, callipers PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, clips, pumice, scroll, bottle PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, parchment leaf, bottle PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen-holder, knife, pumice PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, scrolls; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; pen-box with pens, glass with red ink, knives, callipers, sponge, chain with clips, scroll, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, pumice, clips; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool; wall, columns, curtain PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk with lock, candlestick; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, awl, lunellum, callipers, scrolls, codex, bottle; wall PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, lunellum, string with clips, sponge PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, horn, clam-shell, mouse; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding pen(?), touching his lectern; stool, footstool(?), desk; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, holding unfurled scroll with both hands; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens(?), knife, callipers, pumice, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding codex(?); stool, footstool, table; inkwell, pen-box, lunellum; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, lunellum, sponge, codex, parchment leaf(?), bottle; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, pumice, bottle; lion; buildings; Nativity; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knife, lunellum, awl, needle, string with clips, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum; buildings; Nativity; architectural frame; verse epigram (Pl. 71) PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, parchment leaves, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding scroll; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, pumice, scrolls, codex; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inking his pen; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, inspired, writing; stool, footstool, desk; chain with clips, jug, lamp; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, raising his pen, holding quire; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, raising his pen, resting; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, sponge, pumice, parchment leaf, scroll; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, resting, holding pen; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, resting, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, table; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, callipers, chain with clips, bottle; curtain; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, spreaking, holding open codex; St Philip standing, speaking; stool, footstool; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, thinking, holding pen; chair, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; inkwell with penbox, pens, knives, bottle, sponge(?) PTB_info
Matthew seated, thinking, resting; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pen, pen-holder, bottle; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building; Nativity; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, holding unfurled scroll; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, callipers, chain, bottle PTB_info
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, resting; stool, footstool, desk, candle; inkwell with pen-box, bottle PTB_info
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, resting; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell; lion; Nativity; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk with lock and keys; inkwell with pen-box, knife, fork, lunellum, pumice, scroll, bottle; buildings, curtain PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing, holding knife; stool, footstool, lectern PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, scissors, bottle; buildings; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottle; Hand of God PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; Hand of God; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, double lectern; candlestick, lamps; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum,awl, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottles; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, bottle, jug; architectural frame, ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, callipers, sponge(?), bottle; ornamented frame (Pl. 28) PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk with lock and key, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, callipers; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk-lectern PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, knife, lunellum, scrolls, bottle PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen-holder, knife, bottle; building; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; pen-box, ink-cup(?), callipers, bottle; buildings; lion; architectural frame (Pl. 57) PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; scrolls, codex; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame added s. XV PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; knife(?), pumice(?), scroll; curtain PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, lectern, desk; pen, inkwell; unidentified male figure; buildings; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, lectern; buildings PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing; throne, footstool, desk, lectern PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing(?); chair, footstool, desk, marble lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building PTB_info
Matthew seated, writing(?); seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame PTB_info
Matthew seated; stool, footstool, desk, lectern PTB_info
Matthew standing PTB_info
Matthew standing, blessing, holding codex PTB_info
Matthew standing, reading from codex PTB_info
Matthew standing, reading from codex; buildings PTB_info
Matthew standing, reading from codex; ornamented frame PTB_info