M (27). Σιγησάτω πᾶσα σὰρξ βροτεία
Incipit cuiusdam partis |
M. Mynas οβʹ
Textus |
male legitur ο θεος σωση τον κ(ωνσταν)τι(νον) (Κωνσταντινον) παταμηνεν (?) ... κρησεως και μη την (?) διακονιαν αυτου οτι καλον εποιησεν εις τουτο
Textus |
Marci finis
Textus |
Marcus euangelista dei et Petri in baptismate filius atque in diuino sermone discipulus, sacerdotium "in Israel" agens secundum carnem leuita
Incipit |
Mark seated, blessing, holding codex; stool,
footstool; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding codex, raising his pen; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, scrolls; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; knives, jug
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding open codex, thinking;
stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box,
pens; ornamented frame (Pl. 12)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding open codex, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, shelf; inkwell with pen-box
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; bottle; calf; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box and lid; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented fram
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen and open codex, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers, blade(?); curtain; ornamented frame; verse epigram
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen and parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, lunellum, sponge, scrolls, bottle
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, holding parchment leaf; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, resting; stool, footstool,
table, lectern; inkwell, pen, knife, bottle (Pl. 26)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, resting; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, callipers; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame; verse epigram (Pl. 72)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, lunellum, callipers; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; dove
whispering in his ear; stool, footstool, desk, lectern;
inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum; architectural
frame, ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool,
footstool, desk with padlock, lectern; pen-box, knife
with sheath(?), callipers, parchment leaf; buildings;
ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool,
footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box,
pumice, callipers; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, lunella, sponges, jug, clam-shell(?); ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, string with clips, pumice
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pens, knives, awl, callipers, sponge, pumice, scrolls; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; knife, callipers, chain with clips; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk; ink-cup, pen, knife, bottle; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his
lectern; stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell with
pen-box, pen, knife, bottle; buildings; ornamented
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern;
stool, footstool, desk; inkwell, pen-holder, pen,
callipers, sponge, bottle; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern;
stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell, pen-holder
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pens; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, bottle; buildings; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, awl, callipers, scissors, pumice, ewer, bottles, codices; lion
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knife, awl, callipers, scrolls, bottle
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knife, scroll, bottle
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, knives, callipers, sponge, pumice, bottle; ornamented frame (Pl. 45)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen(?), thinking; dove whispering in his ear; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding pen(?), thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding quire, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding scroll, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell; building;
ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding unfurled scroll, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern
PTB_info |
Mark seated, holding unfurled scroll, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding open
codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with
pen-box, lunellum, parchment leaf, bottle, keys on
key-ring, lamp; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell, parchment leaf; curtain
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment
leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pen-box, bottle; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment
leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame, ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, double lectern; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk-lectern
PTB_url |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, codices, bottle; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented fram
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; calf; Baptism; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, awl, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottles; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen, raising his hand; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame added s. XV
PTB_info |
Mark seated, inking his pen; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ox; verse epigram
PTB_info |
Mark seated, raising his pen, holding codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern, lamp; inkwells with pen-boxes, callipers, pumices, bottle
PTB_info |
Mark seated, raising his pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, table; inkwell; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, raising his pen(?), touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; bottle; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, resting, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; pen-box, pen; Hand of God
PTB_info |
Mark seated, resting, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, resting(?), touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building; Baptism; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, speaking, holding pen; chair,
footstool, desk with lock, lectern; pen-box with pens,
glass with red ink, knives, callipers, sponge, chain
with clips, scroll, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, speaking, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box
PTB_info |
Mark seated, thinking, touching his lectern;
stool, footstool, desk with lock; inkwell, pen,
sponge(?), parchment leaf; ornamented frame (Pl.
PTB_info |
Mark seated, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, touching his lectern with both
hands; stool, footstool; wall, columns, curtain
PTB_info |
Mark seated, touching his lectern, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, touching his lectern, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, clips, pumice; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, touching his lectern, speaking; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, callipers, sponge, napkin, scroll(?), bottle; building; Hand of God
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing, holding knife; stool,
footstool, lectern
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk with lock, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, fork, lunellum, sponge, pumice, scroll; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, callipers, clip, pumice, scrolls, bottle; building (Pl. 76)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottle; calf
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; buildings
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool, table, lectern, lamp-hanger; lamp; Hand of God; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; chair, footstool; lion; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; dove whispering in his ear; chair, footstool
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk with lock, lectern, lamp-hanger; inkwell with pen-box, knives, callipers, scroll, parchment leaf, bottle, lamp; wall
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern, lamp; scroll, bottle; buildings; calf; architectural frame (Pl. 58)
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings; Baptism; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, chain with clips, bottle(?) or jug(?); buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottles; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, napkin; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, marble
desk, lectern; parchment leaf, jug; building
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knives, callipers, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottle; curtain; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Mark seated, writing; throne, footstool; lion
PTB_info |
Mark seated; stool, footstool, desk(?), lectern(?)
PTB_info |
Mark standing
PTB_info |
Mark standing on footstool, holding codex;
architectural frame
PTB_info |
Mark standing, holding codex
PTB_info |
Mark standing, holding codex; ornamented
PTB_info |
Mark standing, holding codex; trees
PTB_info |
Mark standing, holding open codex
PTB_info |
Mark standing, reading from codex
PTB_url |
Matth. tantum; passim.
Titulus currens |
Matthaeus cum primo praedicasset euangelium in Iudaea, uolens transire ad gentes, primus euangelium scripsit hebraice
Incipit |
Matthaeus ex Iudaea sicut in ordine primus ponitur
Incipit |
Mattheus ex Iudaea sicut in ordine primus ponitur, ita euangelium in iudaea primus scripsit. Cuius uocatio ad deum ex publicanis actibus fuit.
Incipit |
Matthew (repainted) seated, touching his lectern with both hands; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding codex, touching his
writing-table; stool, footstool; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding codex, touching his lectern; stool, desk; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding open codex,
thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with
pen-box, pen, knife, box(?), parchment leaf, codex,
bottle; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding open codex, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding open codex, thinking; chair, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, callipers; ornamented frame (Pl. 44)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk (partly restored with a new patch of parchment); buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding parchment leaf, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, lunella, pumices, chain with clip, jug
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen and parchment leaf, touching his lectern; chair, footstool, desk with keyhole; inkwell with pen-box, pen, callipers, fork(?), blade(?), pumice; curtain; ornamented frame; verse epigram
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, desk, lecterns; scrolls, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; chair,
footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers, ruler, sponge, napkin, bottles; building; Christ blessing from heaven
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool,
footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen,
pumice, callipers, scrolls, bottle (Pl. 25)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool,
footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, pens, callipers
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, clips, pumice, scroll, bottle
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, parchment leaf, bottle
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen-holder, knife, pumice
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, thinking; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell, scrolls; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his
lectern; chair, footstool, desk; pen-box with pens,
glass with red ink, knives, callipers, sponge, chain
with clips, scroll, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern;
stool, footstool, marble desk; inkwell with pen-box,
pen, pumice, clips; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern;
stool, footstool; wall, columns, curtain
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk with lock, candlestick; inkwell with pen-box, pen, knife, awl, lunellum, callipers, scrolls, codex, bottle; wall
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, pen, lunellum, string with clips, sponge
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk; pen-box, pen, knife, lunellum, horn, clam-shell, mouse; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding pen(?), touching his lectern; stool, footstool(?), desk; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, holding unfurled scroll with both hands; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens(?), knife, callipers, pumice, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding
codex(?); stool, footstool, table; inkwell, pen-box,
lunellum; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding codex; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, lunellum, sponge, codex, parchment leaf(?), bottle; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, pumice, bottle; lion; buildings; Nativity; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding open codex; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knife, lunellum, awl, needle, string with clips, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum; buildings; Nativity; architectural frame; verse epigram (Pl. 71)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knives, parchment leaves, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, callipers; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife, callipers; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding parchment leaf; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen, holding scroll; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, lunellum, pumice, scrolls, codex; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inking his pen; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, inspired, writing; stool, footstool, desk; chain with clips, jug, lamp; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, raising his pen, holding quire; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, raising his pen, resting; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, sponge, pumice, parchment leaf, scroll; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, resting, holding pen; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, knife; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, resting, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, table; inkwell with pen-box, pens, knives, callipers, chain with clips, bottle; curtain; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, spreaking, holding open codex; St Philip standing, speaking; stool, footstool; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, thinking, holding pen; chair,
footstool, desk with lock, lectern; inkwell with penbox, pens, knives, bottle, sponge(?)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, thinking, resting; stool,
footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell, pen, pen-holder, bottle; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, holding open codex; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building; Nativity; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, holding unfurled scroll; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box, callipers, chain, bottle
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, resting; stool, footstool, desk, candle; inkwell with pen-box, bottle
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, touching his lectern, resting; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell; lion; Nativity; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, touching his lectern; stool, footstool, desk with lock and keys; inkwell with pen-box, knife, fork, lunellum, pumice, scroll, bottle; buildings, curtain
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing, holding knife; stool,
footstool, lectern
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing, thinking; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, scissors, bottle; buildings; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, sponge, pumice, bottle; Hand of God
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; Hand of God; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, double lectern; candlestick, lamps; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; chair, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, knife, lunellum,awl, chain with clips, sponge, pumice, bottles; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool,
desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, bottle,
jug; architectural frame, ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool,
desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen, callipers,
sponge(?), bottle; ornamented frame (Pl. 28)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk
with lock and key, lectern; inkwell with pen-box,
pen, callipers; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk-lectern
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box and lid, knife, lunellum, scrolls, bottle
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, bottle; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box, pen-holder, knife, bottle; building; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; pen-box, ink-cup(?), callipers, bottle; buildings; lion; architectural frame (Pl. 57)
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk, lectern; scrolls, codex; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; architectural frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; building; ornamented frame added s. XV
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, desk; knife(?), pumice(?), scroll; curtain
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, lectern, desk; pen, inkwell; unidentified male figure; buildings; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, lectern; buildings
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; stool, footstool, table, lectern; inkwell with pen-box
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing; throne, footstool, desk,
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing(?); chair, footstool, desk, marble lectern; inkwell with pen-box; building
PTB_info |
Matthew seated, writing(?); seated, writing; chair, footstool, desk, lectern; inkwell with pen-box; ornamented frame
PTB_info |
Matthew seated; stool, footstool, desk, lectern
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Matthew standing
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Matthew standing, blessing, holding codex
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Matthew standing, reading from codex
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Matthew standing, reading from codex;
PTB_info |
Matthew standing, reading from codex;
ornamented frame
PTB_info |
mei memineris papa beatissime.
Desinit |
memento domine famuli my Antony Rauda vicarius ecclesie Rossanensis Anno domini M° CCCC° XXXII°
Textus |
memento domine famuli tui Hector de decano vicarius ecclesie Rossanensis ϛ. ω. κ. ζ
Textus |
memineris mei papa Beatissime.
Desinit |
Incipit |
Incipit |
Desinit |
Incipit |
Incipit |
Modern verse and chapter numbers have been added; collation of the Greek text against an unknown base text in the margin
Annotationes uel textus latini |
Titulus initialis |
Mηνι σεπτεμβριω εις τας κϛʹ.
Titulus initialis |
Mικροῖς μὲν καὶ μικρὰ τὸλμῶσιν, οὐκ ἀδεές·
ὁ δὲ ἐλάχιστος ἐγῶ, τοῖς ὑπὲρ ἐμὲ πόνοις
Incipit |
Mῦθος λογικός. Bασιλεύς τις μάχην ἔχων
Incipit |